How much does semi-femtosecond laser myopia surgery cost?

According to the price on December 7, 2019,Femtosecond Laser Surgery for Myopia,The price may vary from region to region and from hospital to hospital. The general price of femtosecond laser surgery for both eyes is about $15,000.

The femtosecond laser is characterized by a very high instantaneous power, which can reach a million billion billion watts, a hundred times more than the current total power of electricity generation in the world. A third characteristic of femtosecond lasers is that they can be focused into a region of space smaller than the diameter of a hair, making the electromagnetic field several times stronger than the force of the nucleus of an atom on the electrons around it.

In the medical field, the femtosecond laser can be used as an ultra-precision surgical scalpel, and is now being successfully used in ophthalmology for the creation of corneal lamellar flaps in excimer laser treatment of myopia, as well as other corneal surgeries.

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Expanded Information:

Femtosecond Laser Surgery Advantages

In traditional laminar blade surgery, if a negative pressure ring occurs during blade rotation

In traditional laminar knife surgery, if the negative pressure ring is loosened during blade rotation, the corneal flap production will completely fail, and the surgery can only be done three months later, which will bring great psychological pressure to the patient and the doctor.

But in the case of femtosecond laser surgery, if a similar accident occurs, the doctor only needs to put the negative pressure ring back on again, and then replenish the laser immediately, without interrupting the surgery.

Because the femtosecond laser produces only some water and bubbles to push away the corneal tissue when making the flap, there is no damage to the tissue, and it is possible to perform multiple surgeries on the same affected area, which is much safer.