I live in Shenzhen Fuyong. Please ask. What is a good, professional and regular hospital nearby? My foreskin is a bit long. I'd like to take a look. Please God help.

The general cost of circumcision is:

1, surgical hospitals: different hospitals, the price will vary very much, it is recommended to choose a professional men's hospitals, than some of the small clinics or general hospitals in the surgical safety have certain advantages.

2, the surgeon: patients undergoing circumcision to control costs, the degree of familiarity in the operation will deviate. It is recommended to choose a professional surgeon who has a certain number of successful cases of surgery.

3, surgical materials: different circumcision techniques are equipped with different surgical materials, there is a big difference in surgical safety and aesthetics.

4, the surgical environment: the surgical environment mainly affects the infectious nature of circumcision, noisy surgical environment not only affects the surgeon's state of mind, but also affects the patient's therapeutic effect, the operating room without strict disinfection is prone to cause postoperative infections and other maladaptive symptoms.