How long does it take to drink up the mineral water after opening the lid?

Mineral water storage cycle is relatively long, so the shelf life is also relatively long, then open the lid after the mineral water how long to drink it? I'll give you a specific explanation of how long to drink the mineral water after opening the lid.

After opening the lid of the mineral water should be drunk as soon as possible

General mineral water have a shelf life, bottled for a year, the barrel for a month. But after the opening of the mineral water is not subject to the above period of time to ensure that you should drink as soon as possible. General a cubic meter of air about 5000 bacteria (not pathogenic), a long time bacteria will reproduce and growth and affect the drinking water hygiene, so the water should be opened as soon as possible to drink and should not be long put.

barrel of mineral water to drink as soon as possible after opening

open mineral water, more than 48 hours, the bacteria will be serious overload

(1) water dispenser must be placed in a cool place away from the light, can not be placed in direct sunlight, so as to avoid the growth of green algae. Or add a cover for the bucket to avoid light bucket cover.

(2) open the bucket of water in the fall and winter to drink within 2-4 weeks, spring and summer is best to drink within 7-10 days.

(3) water dispenser do not long electrified heating, repeated boiling. Repeatedly boiled water is not suitable for drinking.

(4) Drinking fountains should be sterilized regularly, preferably once every six months. Avoid secondary pollution, to ensure safe and healthy drinking water is good for health.

Mineral water should generally be unheated cold or slightly warmed, it is best not to boil. Because mineral water generally contains calcium (calcium products, calcium information), magnesium more, there is a certain hardness, room temperature calcium, magnesium was ionic state, very easy to be absorbed by the body, play a good role in calcium. And boiling calcium, magnesium and carbonate easy to generate scale precipitation, so both the loss of calcium, magnesium, but also caused the sensory discomfort, so the best way to drink mineral water is at room temperature directly drinking.

Pure water now on the market pure water basically using membrane filtration technology for processing, so the water is very pure. But after such treatment of the water molecular chain is very large, up to 14-17 water molecule length, such water is not conducive to human absorption. Long-term consumption of pure water will also increase the loss of calcium, for the elderly, especially those suffering from cardiovascular disease, diabetes in the elderly and children, pregnant women and other long-term drinking is more inappropriate.

Mineral water PH value is mostly between 7-8, which is conducive to maintaining the acid-base balance in the body and promoting metabolism. But the mineral content of mineral water is not very stable, if some of the mineral content exceeds the standard will cause harm to the human body. Such as iodine content in water more than 2mg/l when it is harmful to human body. Plus, mineral water resources are scarce, not every family can drink.

Now many families are accustomed to drinking mineral water, that drinking mineral water is good for health, so let the children only drink mineral water. And health experts believe that mineral water with high mineral content can damage the kidneys of newborns. According to Xinhua News about the news reported that, for infants and young children, the mineral content of each liter of mineral water should not exceed 100 milligrams, sodium should be less than 20 milligrams, fluorine should be less than 1.5 milligrams.

Dr. Li Hui of the CDC Food Section reminded the public that high temperatures in Shenzhen, the bacteria multiply fast, the bucket of water opened must be consumed as soon as possible, it is not easy to store for a long time, especially mineral water, spring water and other barrels of water containing minerals, the speed of bacterial growth is faster, the time to drink is shorter. After opening the bottle of bottled water is best to drink within a week, generally speaking more than ten days it is best not to drink. Therefore, a small family with a small population, if the 5-gallon vat of water within a week to drink, it is best to use 3-gallon barrels of water according to the actual situation is appropriate to cite it

Commonly Drinking Water

1, pure water, long-term drinking to reduce immunity

Space water, ultra-pure water is essentially pure water. Its advantage lies in the absence of bacteria, viruses, clean and hygienic, due to the water molecular structure of pure water, a large number of drinking will take away the useful trace elements in the body, thus reducing the body's immunity. Because the human body

fluid is slightly alkaline, and pure water is weakly acidic, if you drink for a long time, the body environment will be damaged. And it may also increase the loss of calcium. Small bottles (600 milliliters or so) of pure water can occasionally drink, but not as a family bucket of water long-term drinking. For the elderly, especially those with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, children, pregnant women should not drink long-term.

2, mineral water Minerals moderate is healthy water

Not all mineral water can drink, drinking mineral water is not all healthy water. Mineral? and? The first thing that you need to do is to get a good deal of money. The first thing that you need to do is to get a good deal on your own. The elderly body aging, easy to lack of calcium, can choose a higher hardness and delay the body aging of the mineral water. It is advisable to drink calcium bicarbonate type mineral water, heavy

Calcium magnesium carbonate type mineral water, metasilicic acid, strontium mineral water and radon mineral water. Children and teenagers are in the growth and development stage, easy to lack of calcium, zinc, can choose high hardness mineral water, such as calcium bicarbonate mineral water, calcium magnesium bicarbonate mineral water, strontium metasilicate mineral water, zinc mineral water, iodine mineral water. Pregnant women should drink more calcium magnesium bicarbonate mineral water, strontium metasilicate mineral water, zinc mineral water, lithium mineral water, etc., which will help the development of the fetus and maternal health.

3, tap water containing natural water beneficial minerals

Tap water is a kind of natural water, containing natural drinking water in the beneficial minerals, is in line with the human body physiological function of water. If the depth of the purification, not lose a more popular health water. Directly from the tap water, do not boil when cooking, bubbling

Bubble can be, both bacteria in the water to kill, but not to produce harmful substances such as chlorine. If you use a home purifier processed tap water, water open after uncovering the lid and boil for 3 minutes before turning off the heat, can make most of the harmful substances with the water vapor overflow.

Drinking tap water, it is best to put off a little, so that the accumulation of rust and other water flow away, so that the water is clear before using. In addition, it is best to drink the water on the day of the boil, and leave it on the shelf for no more than 6 hours.

4, oxygen-enriched water belongs to a kind of medical research water

Oxygen-enriched water refers to the pure water to add more oxygen. It seems that with more oxygen, drinking will be more energetic. In fact, it is not, oxygen-enriched water is a kind of medical research water. The oxygen molecules in this type of water will destroy the normal cell division in the body,

leading to human aging. After adding oxygen to pure water, due to the molecular structure of the reason, it is still a large molecule of water, not easy to be absorbed by the cells.

5, electrolytic water must be drunk under the guidance of a doctor

For consumers are still unfamiliar with electrolytic water, mainly through the role of electrolysis, the decomposition of water into cationic water and anionic water. Cationic water as a medical water, you must drink under the guidance of a doctor, and anionic water is used for disinfection.