OK lenses wear reverse feeling

Ok lenses are a popular kind of glasses, it is generally used to control the growth of myopia, to a certain extent, can protect the glasses vision, many children and teenagers will wear ok lenses. ok lenses wear is also a certain skill, generally the left and right lenses are not the same, if accidentally wear the opposite, the glasses will be uncomfortable, this is to be different from person to person.

Keratoplasty glasses can't be worn backwards! Because the fit of keratoplasty lenses is not only "customized" according to the degree of myopia, the shape of the cornea, the diameter of the cornea and other parameters, as well as the actual fit. Every lens is different.

So you can't put it on backwards! That's why a pair of keratomileusis lenses will have a different lens color, which is easy to distinguish.

If the left and right eye pieces of a keratoplasty lens are worn backwards, the most obvious reaction is a decrease in comfort and blurred vision. Severe conditions may occur: redness of the eye, painful lens removal, and corneal damage. If the curvature and misalignment of both eyes are too different, dizziness and double vision may occur.

What does it feel like to wear OK glasses upside down

When the "size" of the left and right glasses are close, it is not easy to find. Generally speaking, there is no obvious discomfort in the eyes, and daytime vision will not be affected too much. If there is a big difference between the "size" of the left and right eyeglasses, there may be the following manifestations: It is easy to appear at night. After wearing the glasses, the foreign body sensation increases, and the eyes are uncomfortable. After cleaning the lenses again, the symptoms are not relieved. In addition, after wearing glasses, the lens is found to be easily displaced, and in extreme cases, symptoms may occur, such as waking up in the middle of the night.

If the left and right eyes of the OK glasses are reversed throughout the night, it can easily appear in the early layers; blurred vision, double vision, dizziness and other eye discomfort such as redness and pain in the eyes. (The main cause is the mismatch between the shape of the cornea and the size of the lens, leading to specific corneal changes or lack of oxygen)

Generally, if a child puts his or her lenses upside down, he or she will experience the above symptoms. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible. The doctor will give advice based on the patient's condition. When the cornea returns to its normal shape, wear it again.

Parents don't have to worry too much. One mistake will not cause substantial damage to their eyes. However, more attention should be paid to daily wear. If you notice wear in the opposite direction, you should correct it.

Precautions for wearing OK glasses

The main points are as follows:

1. Strictly follow the doctor's instructions for care operations

2. Regularly check the condition of the eyes and the lens. If there is any problem related to the lens, it needs to be replaced according to the doctor's advice

3. Keratoconus is, after all, a contact lens. In some special cases, such as colds and rhinitis, it is recommended to stop wearing them temporarily and wear them again after recovering

4. Keratoconus is a contact lens with a long service life. They should be replaced regularly according to the doctor's recommendation to ensure safety and effectiveness

In addition, plastic lenses are a customized medical device. It is recommended to choose a medical institution with official medical qualifications for examination and fitting