Is the intermediary fee legal?

Legal analysis: According to the current law, there is no clear regulation on the fee for intermediary services. That is to say, the intermediary fee, the parties to the intermediary contract can be free to agree. As long as the intermediary fee is the true intention of the parties, the parties recognize the agreed intermediary fee, the intermediary fee shall be in accordance with the agreed standards. However, it can be rejected if its charges clearly exceed the industry standard and the operation is not in line with the industry norms. Intermediary service fee, refers to a certain activity or dispute, the intermediary to the principal to provide intermediary services, in the process of providing services to the client, the reasonable remuneration charged to the client is called "intermediary fee". Simply put, intermediary as a form of intermediary, its purpose is to connect buyers and sellers of the same commodity, in order to facilitate the transaction to obtain a reasonable commission services. Intermediation fee, is of the same nature as brokerage and commission.

Legal basis: Article 961 of the Civil Code An intermediary contract is a contract in which the intermediary reports to the principal the opportunity to enter into a contract or provides the service of mediating the conclusion of a contract, and the principal pays the remuneration.

Article 964 of the Civil Code: If an intermediary does not facilitate the formation of a contract, he/she shall not request the payment of remuneration; however, he/she may request the principal to pay the necessary expenses incurred in the performance of the intermediary's activities in accordance with the agreement.