What is the phone number of China Resources Shantou Kangwei Pharmaceutical Co.

Contact Information of China Resources Shantou Kangwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd: The company's phone number is 0754-88363164, 公司邮箱hrshantoukangwei@163.com, which has 5 contact information with 1 phone number in Aiqiqi***.

Company Profile:

Chinese Resources Shantou Kangwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established in 1999-04-22 in Longhu District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, the registered address is located in the Shantou Longhu District, Zhuzin a cross street No. 2, Yeneng Industrial Park, Hauong Building, 1st Floor, 5-6th Floor, 7th Floor, Room 703, 704, 705.

Chinese Resources Shantou Kangwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is the legal representative of Yang Xiaomin, with a registered capital of 80 million (yuan), and is currently in the state of operation.

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