Body Type Element Analysis

Body types

There are 73 standards dealing with body types in this topic.

In the International Standard Classification (ISC), body types are related to agriculture and forestry, shipbuilding and offshore structures composite, parts and accessories for telecommunication equipment, medical equipment, machine tool installations, mining equipment, clothing, meat, meat products and other animal foodstuffs, construction materials, coal, road vehicle installations, iron and steel products, valves, burners, boilers, vocabulary, graphic symbols.

In China's standard classification, the body type involves livestock, poultry, electronic computer applications, basic standards and general methods, waveguide coaxial components and accessories,,, communication line equipment, general requirements for medical equipment, machine tool parts, coal mine special equipment and devices, aquatic processing and products, synthetic resins, plastics, rubber hoses, adhesive tapes, adhesive tapes, postal machinery and equipment, rubber seals, petroleum coke, Port communications and navigation, steel, steel profiles, mining machinery and equipment, sealing materials, other power equipment, cooking utensils, basic standards and general methods, labor protective equipment, fuel supply system, the overall ship comprehensive, clothing, shoes, hats, comprehensive, mechanical instrumentation, automatic weighing devices and other testing instruments.

The Chinese people*** and the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China, China's National Standardization Administration, standards on body type

GB/T 35568-2017 China Holstein cattle body type identification technical regulations

GB/T 35568-2017 China Holstein cattle body type identification technical regulations

State quality inspection General Administration of Quality Supervision, standard on hull type

GB/T 17725-2011 Shipbuilding. Ship hull lines. Digital representation of hull geometric elements

GB/T 23304-2009 Shipbuilding. Hull lines. Format and data structure

GB/T 23297-2009 Shipbuilding. Hull lines. Identification of geometric data

GB/T 17725-1999 Shipbuilding Hull type line Digital representation of geometric elements of the hull

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, standard on hull type

YD/T 3716-2020 Communication cables Polytetrafluoroethylene insulated radio-frequency coaxial cables coupled-core insulated braided tin-impregnated outer conductor type

YD/T 3392-2018 Communication cables Polytetrafluoroethylene insulated radio frequency coaxial cable solid insulation silver-plated copper tape winding braided outer conductor type

YD/T 2966-2015 Communication cables Polytetrafluoroethylene insulated radio frequency coaxial cable crumpled copper tube outer conductor type

YD/T 2967-2015 Communication cables Polytetrafluoroethylene insulated radio frequency coaxial cable microporous insulation double-layer Outer conductor type

Liaoning Province Market Supervision Administration, standard on body type

DB21/T 3224-2020 Technical specification for body type assessment of reserve bulls of Liaoyu white bulls

Hebei Province Market Supervision Administration, standard on body type

DB13/T 2989-2019 Technical specification for the identification of the body type of breeder pigs

Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Market Supervision Administration, Standard on Body Type

DB45/T 1952-2019 Linear Evaluation of Body Type of Mora Buffalo

Jiangsu Provincial Market Supervision Administration, Standard on Body Type

DB32/T 3533-2019 Technical Specification for Cultivation of Pear Trees with Single Primary Branches of Consecutive Types

European Standardization Committee, Standard on body types

EN ISO 8536-9-2015 Medical infusion devices. Part 9:Fluid-based disposable pressure infusion devices

EN ISO 8536-9-2015 Medical infusion devices. Part 9:Fluid type disposable pressure infusion devices

EN 267-1991 Test methods for integral type spray fuel dispensers

Korean standard on body types

KS B ISO 3589-2012 Combined components for machine tool construction. Monolithic machine tools

KS M 3604-1-2007 Recycled polyethylene wastewater treatment buildings. Part 1: Monoblock type

KS M 3604-1-2007 Circulating polyethylene wastewater treatment buildings. Part 1:Monoblock type

Standard of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on body type

DB65/T 3267-2011 Linear identification of body type of Xinjiang brown cattle

Industry standard-coal, on body type

MT/T 392-2011 Body type and basic size of taper thread body of drilling rods used in coal mines

MT/T 392-1995 Conical thread body pattern and basic dimensions for drill pipes for mining use

(USA) Ford Motor Standard, Standard on body pattern

FORD ESF-M6B12-A-2009 Fluid type marking ink*** Used in conjunction with the standard FORD WSS-M99P1111-A***

FORD ESF-M6B8-A-2002 Fluid type marking ink *** for use with standard FORD WSS-M99P1111-A***

FORD WSB-M4G344-A-1993 Dispersible carrier type non-solvent based extrudable high viscosity butyl sealant

Standard on body type

ONORM EN 267-1991 Atomized oil burners, monobody type. Testing

American Compressed Gas Association, Standard on Body Types

CGA G-6.6-2006 Standard for Elastomer-Type Hoses for Bulk Transportation of Carbon Dioxide. 3rd Edition

Industry Standards-Postal, Standard on Body Types

YZ/T 0095-2003 Technical Conditions for Split-Van Postal Vehicles

American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard on Body Types

ASTM D3320-2000 Standard Specification for Emulsified Coal-Tar Asphalt (Mineral Colloidal)

ASTM D5727-2000(2004)e1 Standard Specification for Emulsified Refined Coal Tar (Mineral Colloidal Type)

ASTM D5727/D5727M-2000(2011)e1 Standard Specification for Emulsified Refined Coal Tar (Mineral Colloidal Type)

ASTM D5727-2000 Standard Specification for Emulsified Refined Coal Tar (Mineral Colloidal Type)

ASTM D3320-2000(2004)e1 Standard Specification for Emulsified Coal Tar Asphalt (Mineral Colloidal Type)

ASTM D3406-1995(2006) Standard Specification for Elastomeric-Type Heat-Treated Joint Sealants for Silicate Cement Concrete Pavements

American Association of Highway and Transportation Employees, Standard on Body Type Standards

AASHTO M 282-1999 Standard Specification for Elastomeric Type Heat-Treated Joint Sealants for Silicate Cement Concrete Pavements

AASHTO M282-1999 Standard Specification for Elastomeric Type Heat-Treated Joint Sealants for Silicate Cement Concrete Pavements, 20th Edition; ASTM D3406-95

France Association for Standardization, Standard on Body Types

NF A33-111-1998 Pearlite-type Ferritic Steels for Precipitation Hardening by Heat Treatment Temperature.

NF E31-310-1991 Integral spray burners "FIOUL". Tests (European Standard EN 267)

NF G03-001-1977 Clothing. Measurement of the human body. Glossary. Schematic diagrams. Pictograms of body types

Taiwan local standard on body types

CNS 12742-1997 Butterfly valves for watercourses (long body type)

CNS 12743-1995 Butterfly valves for watercourses (thin body type)

CNS 12741-1995 Butterfly valves for watercourses (short body type)

CNS 11058-1984 Seat pillows for automobiles (Integral type)

CNS 10669-1983 Test method for diagnostic one-piece X-ray generators

CNS 10668-1983 Diagnostic one-piece X-ray generators

British Standards Institution, Standard for body type

BS EN 267- 1992 Test methods for integral spray fuel dispensers

BS 799 Pt.4-1991 Specification for fuel equipment. Mist burners with single or multiple burners and their auxiliary equipment (other than integral type)

Industry Standards-Labor and Labor Safety, Standard on Body Types

LD 7-1991 Open Monobloc Motorized Air-Fed Filtering Dust Respirators

LD 7-1991 (Compilation Note) Open Monobloc Motorized Air-Fed Filtering Dust Respirators (Compilation Note)

Danish Association for Standardization, Standard on Body Types

DS/EN 267-1991 Atomized oil burners, integral type. Tests

DS/ISO 3970-1989 Combined parts for machine tool construction. Integral bed. Floor-standing type

DS/ISO 3589-1989 Combined parts for machine tool construction. Integral beds

Deutsche Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization), standard on body types

DIN ISO 7461-1988 Shipbuilding. Information processing. Hull profiles. Numerical representation of geometrical elements of hulls

DIN ISO 7838-1988 Shipbuilding. Information processing. Hull lines. Format and data organization

DIN ISO 7460-1988 Shipbuilding. Information processing. Hull lines. Marking geometric data

(US) Navy, Standard on hull types

NAVY MS25436 REV A-1964 Positive hull type crimped 90-degree termination lugs for aircraft aluminum wire Class 1