New Crown Infection in Brazil's Primitive Populations is Critical, What's the Government Doing?

According to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, the new coronavirus in Brazil has spread to many primitive tribes. These primitive tribes have backward medical conditions and don't know how to protect themselves, leading to a very rapid spread of the new crown virus. According to incomplete statistics, Brazil has 155 aboriginal tribes have appeared in the new crown confirmed patients, more than 27,000 aboriginal people infected with the new crown pneumonia, resulting in more than 700 people lost their lives. With such a large number of infected cases, the Brazilian aboriginal commanders believe that this is due to the government's lax control and irresponsibility, and that due to the government's failures, it has brought a great deal of threat to the lives of the aborigines. So what is the Brazilian government doing to protect the indigenous tribes from this epidemic? Here are my views:

I. Negative resistance to the epidemic

In the early days of the rise in the number of Brazilian aboriginal people infected with the new coronary pneumonia, the Brazilian government did not urgently take precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic, but instead kept obsessing over the authenticity of the specific data on the number of Brazilian aboriginal people infected. The government believes that the next step of epidemic prevention can only be properly taken if there is sufficient data to support it, so the Brazilian government has been investigating the specific number of indigenous people infected and the authenticity of the data obtained. Such an approach has prevented the new coronavirus from being contained in time, so that it is now in an unmanageable situation.

II. Expulsion of miners

While the government's anti-epidemic measures have not been kept up, according to the Brazilian Ministry of Justice, as well as the reaction of the aborigines, the reason why the new coronavirus is spreading in Brazil's aboriginal tribes is because some gold miners are entering the aboriginal lands in search of gold without any control. Based on this, the Brazilian government expelled the miners from the lands where the aborigines were located, and in this way prevented the spread of the New Crown Virus in the region.

Three: Increase the number of new coronavirus tests and medical resources

The lack of medical resources in the remote areas where most of the indigenous tribes are located has made it impossible for many of the new coronavirus infections to be treated in a timely manner, which has accelerated the spread of the new coronavirus. Recognizing this, the Brazilian government has increased its investment in health care for the indigenous tribes in hopes of controlling the rapid spread of the disease.

On the grim situation of Brazilian aborigines infected with New Crown and the specific measures implemented by the government, the above is my opinion, what do you think? Welcome to leave a comment to exchange.