Not included in the principles of adverse event reporting: reactive.
Adverse event reporting is non-punitive, proactive reporting among the principles. According to the query relevant public information shows that the principle of adverse event reporting includes the principle of must report and encourage the combination of reporting, the principle of confidentiality, the principle of non-punitive, that is, non-punitive, active reporting.
Adverse events are defined as any factors and events that may affect the patient's diagnosis and treatment results, increase his or her pain and burden, and may lead to medical disputes or medical malpractice, as well as affect the normal operation of medical work and the personal safety of medical staff during the patient's stay in the healthcare facility due to the healthcare activities as well as the operation process of the hospital.
Including preventable and non-preventable adverse events. Unpreventable adverse events refers to the correct medical behavior caused by the non-preventable injury; preventable adverse events refers to the medical treatment due to failure to prevent the error or equipment failure caused by the injury. Adverse events are categorized into many types and can be divided into: adverse drug events and adverse medical device events and adverse nursing events.
Adverse event monitoring methods:
1, manual monitoring: mainly focus on the adverse events that have occurred in the reporting and management, including active reporting and non-active reporting of two forms. Generally speaking, manual monitoring methods are able to monitor all types of adverse events, due to the arbitrariness of these monitoring methods, and time-consuming and laborious, the clinical use of limited, but for the study is very helpful.
2, composite monitoring mode: with the development of information technology and the improvement of electronic monitoring means, computerized monitoring has been gradually introduced to form a kind of composite monitoring mode combining electronic monitoring and manual monitoring, and this monitoring method is accurate, efficient and low consumption.
3, fully automated monitoring system: in the clinic, some adverse events can not rely on the judgment of health care workers, through the completely quantitative way to make a judgment, therefore, can be used completely automatic monitoring system without human intervention.
4, adverse event reporting system: adverse event prevention and management of another powerful measure is the formation of the adverse event reporting system, the World Health Organization's "Alliance for Patient Safety" in its 2005 guidelines on the clearly proposed, each hospital should be set up a comprehensive adverse event reporting system, and make it networked.