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Bad track" originated on a small capacity hard disk more than a decade ago. small capacity hard drives more than a decade ago. At that time, hard drives did not have an internal system retention area. Before leaving the factory, the manufacturer would scan the hard disk for bad sectors and record their locations in a small table, which would be affixed to the hard disk casing, indicating the "Bad track list", or what is often referred to as the "bad track table". The "bad track list" lists the tracks on a particular head of a particular column as bad tracks.

1. Classification of hard disk bad sectors

Hard disk bad sectors can be divided into logical bad sectors and physical bad sectors. Logical bad sectors, commonly known as "soft bad sectors". They are caused by software installation or usage errors, and generally do not cause much harm to the hard disk itself. Physical bad sectors are physical damage to the magnetic tracks of the hard disk. As the gap between the magnetic head and the disk is only 0.015 ~ 0.025μm, such a small gap, the hard disk in transit, if subjected to strong bumps, will make the hard disk to produce physical bad sectors. In addition to this, human error will also make a hard disk scrap. Some careless people in the installation, the hard disk screws are not tightened, for future use of buried hidden dangers. The vibration of a hard disk at work can also cause physical bad sectors.

2. Symptoms after the hard disk bad

When the hard disk bad channel: read a file or run a software often error, or after a long time to operate successfully, during which the hard disk is constantly reading the disk and issued a piercing murmur, this phenomenon means that hard disk contains data on some sectors have been bad; boot system can not be guided through the hard disk, floppy diskette boot can be turned to the hard disk drive letter, but can not enter the hard disk, but the hard disk can not be turned to the hard disk. After the floppy disk startup can be transferred to the hard disk drive, but can not enter the SYS command to conduct the system can not be successful. This situation is more serious, because it is likely that the hard disk's boot sector is out of the question; frequent and unexplained blue screen during normal use of the computer; unable to complete the operation of partitioning and formatting.

3. Check whether the hard drive has bad sectors

To check whether the hard drive has bad sectors, you can use the relevant tools and software to detect, for example, the system comes with the "SCANDISK" disk scanning program. However, the scanning speed of the software is slow, it is recommended to use the "efficiency source hard disk bad channel detection software" to scan. The "Efficiency Source HDD Bad Disk Detection Software" can test various brands of hard disk products on the market.

(1) Make a boot disk

Run the downloaded program, insert a floppy disk in the floppy drive, and then run the program, in the main interface of the program, click on the "Create Tool Disk" button, you can generate a tool disk used to detect the hard disk bad channel.

Note: The program can only generate a tool disk on a floppy disk for the time being, so you need to have a floppy drive to use it.

(2) Detecting hard disks

Boot your computer, press Del to enter BIOS setup, and set the "First Boot Device" option to "Flip" in "Advanced BIOS Features". In "Advanced BIOS Features", set the "First Boot Device" option to Floppy, change the first boot disk to a floppy drive, save the BIOS settings, and restart the computer. Then use the utility disk you just created to boot the system, and the program will be executed automatically after booting.

If there is only one hard drive installed in the system, position the cursor over the "Full Hard Disk Detection" option and press Enter to begin a full scan of the hard drive. When the scan is complete, you can see the relevant bad sectors.

If you have more than one hard disk installed in your system, you can select the "Advanced Hard Disk Detection" option in the main interface. After entering the Advanced Detection screen, you can first enter "0" in the "Start Position" field. After entering the advanced detection screen, first enter "0" at the "Start Position", press Enter, then enter "100" at the "End Position", press Enter and enter the hard disk serial number to be detected at the "Current Hard Disk", for example, to detect the second hard disk. Serial number of the hard disk to be detected, such as detection of the second hard disk, then enter "2", enter that is to start detection. As shown in Figure 6.

4. Repair hard disk logical bad

For the hard disk, logical bad repair is relatively simple, and when the hard disk detected through the software bad channel, the first bad channel as a logical bad channel processing, if the bad channel still exists, and then through the repair of physical bad repair method to repair.

(1) Repair the hard disk logical bad sectors through the disk scanner

For logical bad sectors, the repair method is relatively simple. For the use of Windows 98 system users, you can click on the "Start → Programs → Accessories → System Tools → Disk Scanner" menu item, in the dialog box that appears to select the need to scan the partition, select the "full", The program can also be used to scan partitions, select the "Full" and "Fix errors automatically" options, and then click the "Start" button.

For Windows 2000/XP users, you can double-click to open My Computer, right-click the partition you need to repair, select the "Properties" command, and then click the "Tools" button in the dialog box that appears. In the dialog box that appears, click the "Tools" button, click the "Start Checking" button in the "Error Checking" option group. In the dialog box that appears, check the "Automatically repair file system errors" and "Scan for and attempt to recover bad sectors" options, and click the "Start" button.

Through the above methods, you can generally solve the problem of logical bad sectors of the hard disk. If you can't get into Windows normally, you can use a boot diskette to start your computer, and then type "Scandisk X:" (X is the specific hard disk drive letter) after the prompt to scan and repair the hard disk. Once the bad sectors are found, the program will prompt you to "Fixit" (repair) or not, and select "Yes" to start the repair.

(2) Repairing hard drive logical bad sectors through DM

Repairing hard drive logical bad sectors through Windows' own disk scanning program won't harm the security of your data, but the program's capability is limited, so if you find that the hard drive still has bad sectors after repairing it through the disk scanning program, you can consider repairing it through DM.

Before you can use DM to repair a bad sector on a hard disk, you must first back up the data on the hard disk to some other media; DM deletes all the data on the hard disk when it repairs a bad sector, so you must back up the data first.

First, download DM Universal Edition from the Internet and make a DM boot diskette, then execute DM and enter its main interface. Position the cursor to the "(M)aintenance Options" option, and then press the Enter key. In the secondary interface that appears, position the cursor to the "(U)utilities" option, and then press the Enter key. The system will ask you to select the hard disk to be repaired, you can choose according to your own needs, and then press Enter to enter the secondary interface, locate the cursor to the "Zero Fill Drive" (disk zero fill) option, press the Enter key after the red warning message will appear. Press Alt+C to confirm and select "Yes" to start "Zero Fill Drive". Once the operation is complete, repartition the hard disk. This not only fixes most of the bad sectors on your hard drive, but also doesn't harm your hard drive as much as a low-level formatting would.

5. Repair hard disk physical bad

For physical bad, ordinary users simply can not repair, we can only do is to use some disk software will be divided into a separate area and hidden, so that the head no longer read it, which can be a certain extent to extend the life of the hard disk. It is important to emphasize that when using a hard drive with bad sectors, you must always do a good job of backing up your data, because after a bad sector appears on the hard drive, more bad sectors will follow.

(1) Through the Disk Genius screen my hard disk physical bad

Download Disk Genius from the Internet, according to the method described earlier, to create a system boot floppy disk, and then downloaded the compressed package unzipped, Disk Genius main program "Diskgen.exe" copied to the floppy disk. Copy the main program "Diskgen.exe" to the floppy disk. Of course, if you don't have a floppy disk, you can also store the software on a hard disk or other media.

Boot your computer with the floppy, and at the prompt, type in the command "Diskgen" and enter to start the program. After entering the main interface of the program, press the Alt key to activate the function menu, and select the "Tools → Hard Disk Surface Inspection" menu command. At this time, the system will display "test the current partition hard disk surface? Bad sector list will be saved to the BACDSECT.TXT" prompt, select "Scan" and enter, this time there will be a scanning method selection dialog box, the scanning methods were: scanning by sector, scanning by track and scanning by column, it is recommended that you select the It is recommended that you select the "By Sector" option. Click the "by sector" option to scan, the scanning process dialog box will appear, scanning to the bad channel will be issued when the "giggle, giggle" sound. After the completion of a bad sector, there will be a bad sector, *** there are a few bad sectors of the prompt message.

Restart Windows, all the data on the hard disk backed up to other media, and then open the floppy disk in the BACDSECT.TXT file, in this file recorded in detail just scanning the results, with a pen to record down, in the following operation we will use this information.

Reboot the computer with a floppy disk, at the prompt type "Diskgen" command and enter, enter the main interface of the program, press the Alt key to activate the function menu, select the "Partition ?ú Delete Partition" menu commands, will be the original partition! Delete all the original partitions. Then select "Partition → New Partition" (or build an extended partition) menu command, according to the BADSECT.TXT file recorded under the bad sector location, before and after the bad sector 10 ~ 20MB of space is divided into a separate zone (this is done in order to give the diffusion of bad channels to reserve a portion of the space).

Note: If there is a mistake during the partitioning process, the software provides a "reload" command to restore the hard disk to its initial partitioned state. Because all the operations of this software are stored in memory only until the disk is saved, you can use multiple partitions to keep the size of the partition containing the bad sectors within a specified range.

Finally, press Alt to activate the Function menu, press Tab to select the partition containing bad sectors, and select the "Partition→Hide" menu command to hide the partition containing bad sectors. As shown in Figure 7.

After dividing all the partitions, save the settings and reboot the computer, and finally format all the partitions with the Format command that comes with Windows. At this point, the work of the screen my bad channel is all complete.

(2) through the "efficiency of the source hard disk bad magnetic repair software" repair bad

"Efficiency of the source hard disk bad magnetic repair software" can be intelligent repair of hard disk bad sectors, the software also need to create a startup floppy disk can be used.

Run the downloaded program, insert a floppy disk in the floppy drive, then run the program, click the "Create Tool Disk" button in the main interface of the program, you can generate a tool disk for detecting hard disk bad sectors. Start the computer with the floppy disk, start the program, and select the "Smart Repair" option in the main interface to start repairing the bad sectors of the hard disk.

When repairing bad sectors with this program, it is recommended that you make a backup of the data on your hard drive and perform a full bad sector check with the program before repairing.

First of all, you need to see how much space is actually left on your C drive, and then step by step 1. "View" - in the "Show all files and folders" option before the check box - and then press "OK" 2. Delete the contents of the following folder: C:\Documents C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Cookies\ under all the files (retain index files) C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Local Settings\Temp\ under all the files (user temporary files) C:\Documents and Settings\User name\LocalSettings\Temporary files) All files under LocalSettings\TemporaryInternet Files\(page files) C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Local Settings\History\(history records) C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Recent\ under all files (shortcuts to recently viewed files) C:\WINDOWS\Temp\ under all files (temporary files) C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles (backup files after upgrading sp1 or sp2) C:\WINDOWS\Driver C:\WINDOWS\Driver(backup file after upgrading sp1 or sp2) C:\WINDOWS\Driver(backup file after upgrading sp1 or sp2) C:\WINDOWS\Driver(backup file after upgrading sp1 or sp2) C:\WINDOWS\Driver(backup file after upgrading sp1 or sp2) C:\WINDOWS\Driver(backup file after upgrading sp2) Then defragment the disk, defragmentation process, please exit all running programs 5. defragmentation after opening the "Start" - "Programs" - "Accessories After defragmentation, open "Start" - "Programs" - "Accessories" - "System Tools" - "System Restore" - "Create a restore point" (it is best to use the date as the name of the restore point) 6. Open "My Computer" - Right click on the system disk - "Properties" - "Disk Cleanup" - "Other Options" - Click on the System Restore column. -Click the System Restore column in the "Cleanup" - select "Yes" - ok 7, in a variety of hardware and software installed properly, in fact, XP needs to update the file when it is very little. Delete the system backup file: Start → Run → sfc.exe /purgecache nearly 3xxM. (The role of the command is to immediately clear the "Windows File Protection" file cache, to free up the space it occupies. --This is a spare dll file, as long as you have copied the installation files, you can do this. 9, delete not used input method: for many users, Windows XPt system comes with the input method is not all suitable for their own use, such as IMJP8_1 Japanese input method, IMKR6_1 Korean input method of these input methods, if you do not want to use, we can delete it. The input methods are located in the \windows\ime\ folder, all of which take up 88M of space. 10, the upgrade is complete and found windows\ a lot more similar to $NtUninstallQ311889$ these directories, all get rid of it, 1x-3xM 11, in addition, retained \windows\help directory under the things to me is a harm, huh. All finished! 12, close the system restore: system restore function used for a long time, it will take up a lot of hard disk space. Therefore, it is necessary to manually set it to reduce the amount of hard disk usage. Open the "System Properties" dialog box, select the "System Restore" option, select "Turn off System Restore on all drives" check box to turn off System Restore. You can also set up restore only for the disk or partition where your system is located. First, select the partition where the system is located, click the Configure button, in the pop-up dialog box to cancel the "Turn off System Restore on this drive" option, and you can set the amount of disk space used for System Restore. 13, hibernation function will take up a lot of hard disk space, if you use less may wish to *** off, off the method is: open the "Control Panel", double-click the "Power Options" in the pop-up "Power Options Properties" dialog box, select the "Hibernation" tab, cancel the "Enable Hibernation" check box. 14, uninstall uncommon components: XP default operating system installed some system components, and a large portion of these components you simply may not use, you can "Add / Remove Windows Components" in their uninstallation. However, some of these components are hidden by default, in the "Add/Remove Windows Components" can not find them, this can be done: use Notepad to open the file \windows\inf\sysoc.inf, with Find/Replace function to the file in the "hide" characters are all replaced by empty. In this way, all the components of the hidden attributes are removed, save the disk to exit and then run "Add - Remove Programs", you will see a lot more you can not see the original options, those you can not use those components to delete (remember to save the disk to be saved as sysoc.inf, rather than the default sysoc.txt), such as Internat messenger service, fax service, Windows messenger, code table, etc., about nearly 50MB of space can be freed up. 15, clear the system temporary files: the system's temporary files are generally stored in two locations: a Windows installation directory Temp folder; the other is C:\Documents and Settings "user name"\Local Settings\Temp folder (Y: is the partition where the system is located). These two locations of the file can be directly deleted. 16, clear the Internet temporary files: regular deletion of the Internet generated by a large number of temporary Internet files, will save a lot of hard disk space. Open IE browser, from the "Tools" menu, select "Internet Options" in the pop-up dialog box, select the "General" tab, in the "Internet Temporary Files" column, click the "Delete Files" button, and in the pop-up "Delete Files" dialog box, select "Delete all offline content" check box, click "OK" button. 17, clear the pre-read files: Windows XP's pre-read settings can improve system speed, but after a period of time, the number of files in the pre-read folder will become quite large, resulting in the system to search for time spent longer. And some applications will generate dead link files, which adds to the burden of system search. Therefore, these pre-read files should be deleted periodically. It is expected that the files are stored in the Prefetch folder of the Windows XP system folder, and all the files under this folder can be deleted. 18, compression of NTFS drives, files or folders: If your hard disk using the NTFS file system, space is really tight, you can also consider enabling the compression of NTFS. Right-click on the drive to be compressed - "Properties" - "General" - "Compress Disk to save disk space", and then click "OK", in the "Confirmation of Property Changes" in the selection of the desired option. This will save about 20% of your hard disk space. When compressing the C drive, it is best to compress it in Safe Mode, so that the effect is better. Close Dr. Watson: To close Dr. Watson, you can open the Registry Editor, find the branch "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug", double-click on the name of the Auto key under it. Double-click on the Auto key name under it, change its "value data" to 0, and finally press F5 to refresh the setting to make it take effect, so as to cancel its operation. Also in "Start" - > "Run" enter "drwtsn32" command, or "Start" - > "Programs" - > "Accessories" - > "System Tools" - > "System Information" - > "Tools" - > "Dr Watson", to call out the system of the Chinese doctors Dr. Watson, and only keep the option of "Dump All". Watson in the system, and only keep the "Dump all thread contexts" option, otherwise the hard disk will be read for a long time and take up a lot of space if the program makes a mistake. If you have this situation before, please look for user.dmp file, after deleting it, you can save tens of MB of space. 20, close the remote desktop: "My Computer" - & gt; "Properties" - & gt; "Remote", "Remote Desktop" in the "allow users to connect to this computer remotely," remove the hook. 21, cancel XP on ZIP support: Windows XP in the default case to open the zip file support, which takes up some system resources, you can choose "Start ?ú Run", in the "Run" dialog box, type "regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll", enter to confirm that you can cancel the XP support for ZIP decompression, thus saving system resources. 22, turn off the error report: when the application error, will pop-up delivery error report window, in fact, such an error report on the average user is almost meaningless, close it is a wise choice. In the "System Properties" dialog box, select the "Advanced" tab, click the "Error Reporting" button, in the pop-up "Error Reporting" dialog box, select the "Disable Error Reporting" option, and finally click "OK" can be. In addition, we can also turn off error reporting from the Group Policy: from the "Run" type "gpedit.msc", run "Group Policy Editor", expand "Computer Configuration ?ú Administrative Templates ?ú System ?ú Error Reporting", double-click on the right side of the Settings column in the "Reporting Errors", in the pop-up "Properties" dialog box, select "Disabled" radio box can be "Reporting Errors" disable. 23, turn off unused devices: Windows XP is always as much as possible for the computer to install drivers for all devices and management, which will not only slow down the system startup speed, but also caused a large amount of system resources. For this situation, you can in the Device Manager, the PCMCIA card, modem, infrared devices, printer port (LPT1) or serial port (COM1) and other infrequently used devices deactivated, the method is to double-click the device to be deactivated, in the Properties dialog box in the "General" tab, select "Do not use this device (deactivate)". In the reboot settings can take effect, when you need to use these devices and then enable them from the device manager. 24, regularly clean up the system restore point: open the disk cleanup, select the other options - & gt; clean up the system restore point, click clean up. 25, uninstall unwanted programs, this will not need me to say more 26, other optimization: a will be installed in other applications on the hard disk (do not install under the system disk, which is good for reinstallation of the system); b will be "My Documents" folder to the other partition: in the desktop "My Documents" icon is the right-click the mouse, select "Properties" - & gt; "Move"; c will be transferred to the temporary folder of IE! Other partition: open IE browser, select "Tools" - & gt; "internet options" - & gt; "General" - & gt; "Settings" - & gt; "move the folder"; d to the virtual memory to the other hard disk; virtual memory setup skills General windows XP is the use of C disk by default to do the remaining space for the virtual memory, so the more space remaining on the C disk, the more important it is for the operation of the system. The larger the remaining space on the C drive, the better for system operation. Virtual memory is dynamically changing as you use it, so the C drive is prone to disk fragmentation, affecting system speed, so it is best to set the virtual memory in other partitions, such as the D drive. Check the virtual memory settings are as follows: Right-click on "My Computer", left-click on "Properties", click on the "Advanced" tab, click on "Performance" in the "Performance" tab. Settings" button in "Performance", then select the "Advanced" tab, click the "Change" button below, the pop-up window is the virtual memory settings window. window, the general default virtual memory is a small to large range of values, which is the virtual memory to change the size of the range, it is best to give it a fixed value, so that it is not easy to produce disk fragmentation, the specific value according to the size of your physical memory to determine the general for the physical memory 1.5 to 2 times, such as memory for the 256M, then it should be set to 256*1.5=384M, or simply 512M, the setup method is as follows: Assuming that the memory is 256M, the virtual memory is placed in the D disk, first of all, the default clear, keep the C disk is selected, single-select "no paging file (N)" and then press the "Settings" button, at this time, the virtual memory next to the C disk disappears, and then select the D disk, and then select the D disk. Then select D disk, single-select "Customize Size", add 512 to both "Initial Size" and "Maximum Value" boxes, and then click the "Settings" button. "Settings" button, you will see the D-disk next to the appearance of the words "512-512", which means that the settings are good, and then all the way to determine the final, the system will have to reboot, reboot, you have completed the setup. Note: Virtual memory can only have one, only in a disk! Answer: robin3166 - Level 3 2009-6-12 18:33 In the "Add Remove Programs" to remove some of the useless components, or installed in the C disk software removed and then installed in the D disk. Answer: sckjp - First Class 2009-6-12 18:34 I wonder if your c-disk itself is set too small, or you set up a lot of cache in the c-disk partition when you install the software? Answer: 赵逸博 - 五级 2009-6-12 18:35 is a problem with the hard disk, the capacity of the hard disk is not the same every time, sometimes big and sometimes small? If so, you have a hard disk problem. You try to choose tools in the hard disk properties, check for errors and disk organization to try to have a use, I used to be so temporarily alleviate the crisis, but the long-term is not good, but also to change. Answer: 408130175 - Level 7 2009-6-12 18:36 Virtual memory! General system default is located in the C disk! My computer (right-click) - Properties - "Advanced" tab - "Performance" column under the "Settings" - "Advanced! Advanced" tab - "Change" under the "Virtual Memory" column It's best to change it to another drive! Like D disk Answer by: vchina526 - Level 2 2009-6-12 18:36 3 solutions: 1, reinstall the system, or a key to restore a clean system. 2, with pq adjustments to increase the size of the virtual memory. 2, with pq adjustment to increase the capacity of C disk. 3, with super rabbit or windows optimizer to clean up the C disk garbage. Answer: gzztq2002 - Level 5 2009-6-12 18:36 I just reinstalled XP, C disk 30G, free 24G, but after running several applications, prompted the C disk space is insufficient. I did the following processing, for your reference. 1, virtual memory transferred to other partitions; 2, disable offline files, and move the offline folder CSC from C: \Windows to other partitions; 3, cache folders such as Word, IE and other temporary folders are set to other partitions. Now the computer runs much faster, and there is no longer a problem of insufficient space on the C disk.