Electromagnetic immunity test frequency step why more and more big

The frequency step of the electromagnetic immunity test is getting bigger and bigger mainly because of the following reasons:

Test standard: As the test standard increases, the frequency range is wider, so the frequency step needs to be increased accordingly.

Equipment performance: The performance of some equipment limits the size of the frequency step, such as the performance of filters. If the equipment is unable to keep up with the rapidly changing frequency, this will result in a larger step.

Signal source stability: The stability of the signal source is another influencing factor. If the signal source is not stable, it may lead to an increase in error, which in turn affects the test results. In order to minimize the error, the frequency step needs to be increased.

In general, the frequency step of electromagnetic immunity test depends on the test standard, equipment performance and signal source stability and other factors. The step size needs to be adjusted according to the specific circumstances to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test results.