What is the difference between cad and c4d? Which one is better to learn first?

1, modeling dimension is different

C4D literally means 4D movie, but itself is still 3D performance software, C4D can be used for three-dimensional modeling and mapping.

CAD refers to the use of computers and their graphics equipment to help designers design work, mainly for two-dimensional modeling and drawing.

2, different areas of application


1. Applications in the manufacturing industry now advanced CAD applications have been designed, drawing, analysis, simulation, processing and a series of functions integrated together.

2. Applications in engineering design architectural design, structural design, equipment design, urban planning, urban transportation design, municipal pipeline design, transportation engineering design, water conservancy engineering design, other engineering design and management.

3. Electrical and electronic circuits in the application of CAD technology can be completed in the design of printed circuit boards (wiring and component layout)

4. Simulation and animation

5. Other applications in light industry, textiles, home appliances, apparel, footwear, health care and pharmaceuticals, and even sports will use CAD technology.


1. Graphic design and film and television post-design movie effects "Spider-Man", "Avatar", "The Golden Compass", "2012" and other movies have C4D involved in the production.

2. Product design product design masterpieces are BMW cars, Siemens electrical appliances, and the appearance of Samsung cell phone modeling, architectural design on the reconstruction of Germany's World War II destroyed Würzburg Palace is the use of C4D production of the rendering.