Please help the gods help translate into Japanese, urgent use, some more, thank you. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm going to be able to do it.

Private thesis is about medical development in my hometown. The economic development and ****, medical facilities, policies and medical insurance for the people in the town are greatly improved. In the area where I live, I have a small hospital, which makes my life easier. This is a great opportunity for us to share our thoughts and ideas with you.

The government's medical insurance system is well established, and the hometowns have changed a lot in terms of medical care.

In the early days, the hospitals in the area were very convenient, and the transportation was very convenient. It is a long time to travel far away from the hospital. The hospital is small, the facilities are old, the building is high, and the impression of the hospital has been ruined. The town hospital was built in the town where I live, and my gums are in the same place. It is very convenient for you. Ordinary illnesses are far away from here or there, and it is very easy to get treatment in the near future. What years kak経って、私が成长し、都市の建设発發展のことをもっと多くわかるようになった。 The hospital in the center of the town has been moved to a wider area, and the general hospital in Ichimei. It was a great opportunity to see the hospital and to think about it and to marvel at it. Now that I am in college, I have little contact with my hometown, so when I went to the hospital for my health checkup, the building was new, the classrooms were set up in a detailed way, and there were a lot of flunters who asked questions about the center, so it was very friendly. The hospital has been modernized to reflect this change. Electronic bulletin boards, kirei no klinic rooms, equipment, electronic testing machines, etc., the standard of medical care in the hometown is greatly improved.

Since then, the healthcare policy has not been very good in the past. As a result of this development, the protection system for farmers living in the city has become more comprehensive, and the number of people living in the same city has risen to a higher level.

With the economic development and the government's policy, the healthcare system in hometowns has improved from what it was in the past to what it is now. With the guidance of the government, we believe that our hometown has developed greatly in various aspects and we believe that it will be a great success.