Wu Jiekang, male, born in December 1965, Ph.D., is a professor in the School of Automation of Guangdong University of Technology. Formerly, he was in charge of the construction point of "electrical engineering and automation" of Guangxi University, and was one of the 100 young and middle-aged academic leaders in Guangxi universities. He is a postdoctoral fellow of Zhejiang University, a member of IEEE, a member of China Electrical Engineering Society, a member of China Hydropower Engineering Society, a member of Applied Society of Industry and Mathematics, and a member of Computer Society, and has been engaged in postdoctoral scientific research in October 2004 in the Postdoctoral Research Station of Zhejiang University and the Postdoctoral Workstation of Samsung Group.
Chinese Name: Wu Jiekang
Nationality: Chinese
Date of Birth: December 1965
Occupation: Teacher
Graduated from Guangxi University and Zhejiang University
Major Achievements: 4 Provincial Natural Science Funds
Representative Works: Multi-objective short-term optimal scheduling of a terraced hydropower plant based on imitation electromagnetic algorithm
Representative Works: Multi-objective short-term optimization scheduling of terraced hydropower plant based on imitation electromagnetic algorithm
Personal introduction
Wu Jiekang, male, born in December 1965, PhD, is a professor in the School of Automation of Guangdong University of Technology. Formerly, he was in charge of the construction point of "Electrical Engineering and Automation" of Guangxi University, and was one of the 100 young and middle-aged academic leaders in Guangxi universities. He is a postdoctoral fellow of Zhejiang University, a member of IEEE, a member of Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, a member of Chinese Society of Hydropower Engineering, a member of Applied Society of Industry and Mathematics, and a member of Computer Society.
Nearly 70 academic papers have been published in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering and Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, and other domestic and international academic journals and IEEE international academic conferences, of which 2 are SCI, 2 are EI, and 1 is IEEE. Among them, 2 are SCI, 23 are EI, and 11 are ISTP. He has presided over and participated in 35 provincial natural science fund projects and enterprise-oriented lateral projects, including 4 provincial natural science fund projects. She has supervised 12 master students.
Conducting theoretical and applied researches related to power system digital relay protection, power system measurement and metering, etc., he has achieved promising results, and proposed a set of new algorithms for electrical measurement that can be applied to digital and intelligent power products. In terms of digital differential algorithms, the theory of application in power systems is proposed, showing unique innovation and advancement. In-depth study of the Fourier transform, wavelet transform, digital FIR filtering techniques, numerical differentiation, independent component analysis and fuzzy neural network theory, fast algorithms are proposed for power system measurement and metering in noisy and high-harmonic environments as well as during transient processes.
In-depth research has been conducted on the fundamental theories of the power market, the structure and model of the power market framework, the trading methods, the production costs of power generation, the price of electricity, the market supervision mechanism and the legal system, the power auctions and bidding strategies, the volatility of the price of electricity, and the market force, etc., and for the first time, the "delegated trading" has been proposed, The concepts of "batch bidding" and "hierarchical bidding" were firstly proposed. The concepts of "constant quantity bidding", "incremental bidding", "decremental bidding" and "random bidding" were put forward in power generation bidding. The concepts of "constant volume bidding", "incremental bidding", "decremental bidding" and "random bidding" are proposed. Mathematical models and practical algorithms for optimizing the output and bidding strategies of generating units in the market environment are proposed.
Educational Background
Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor's Degree at Guangxi University from August 1983 to June 1987, majoring in power system and its automation.
Master's Degree
Master's Degree in Guangxi University from August 1992 to June 1995, specializing in power system and its automation, with the research direction of automatic control of power system.
Doctoral program at South China University of Technology, specializing in power system and automation, research direction: power system operation and control
Postdoctoral program
October 2002 to October 2004, postdoctoral scientific research work at the Postdoctoral Research Station of Zhejiang University and the Postdoctoral Workstation of Samsung Group. Station of Zhejiang University and Samsung Group from October 2002 to October 2004
Work Experience
July 1987 - August 1992, Engineer, Guangxi Long'an Power Supply Company
July 1995 - March 1997, Engineer, Guangxi Urban and Rural Planning and Design Institute
March 1997 - August 1999, Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, Guangxi University. Associate Professor
October 2004 - July 2011 at Guangxi University, School of Electrical Engineering, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
July 2011 to present at Guangdong University of Technology, School of Automation, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
Academic Adjuncts
Adjunctively serving as an expert of the Expert Pool for the Recognition of High and New Technology Enterprises
Expert of the Expert Database for Evaluation of Degree and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education
Expert of the Expert Database for Evaluation of Technology Innovation Fund for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology
Member of the Judging Group of Water Conservancy and Electric Power of the Committee of Scientific and Technological Progress Reward of the Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Major Honors
National Honor of Electrical Engineering and its Automation of Guangxi University Electrical Engineering and Automation", Head of National Characteristic Specialty Construction Point
Hundred Young and Middle-aged Discipline Leaders in Guangxi Universities
Major Papers
WuJiekang,ZhuJianquan,ChenGuotong,ZhangHongliang. AHybridMethodforOptimalSchedulingofShort- termElectricPowerGenerationofCascadeHydroelectricPlantsBasedonParticleSwarmOptimizationandChanceConstrainedProgramming. IEEETransactionsonPowerSystems,2008
WuJiekang,LongJun,WangJixiang.High-Accuracy,Wide- RangeFrequencyEstimationMethodsforPowerSystemSignalsUnderNon-sinusoidalConditions.IEEETransactionsonPowerDelivery,Vol.20,No.1,Jan< /p>
WuJiekang,LongJun,WangJixiang,HeFen.ANovelMethodforFundamentalFrequencyMeasurementofMulti- HarmonicSignalswithNoisesUsingNumericalDifferentiation.MechanicalSystemsandSignalProcessing.Vol.19,No.
WuJiekang,LiangYing, WuQiang, ChenGuotiation. WuQiang,ChenGuotong.FrequencyTrackingTechniquesofPowerSystemsinColoredNoises.IEEProc.Vision,Image&SignalProcessing
WuJiekang, ZhouJu,WuQiang,LiangYing.FuzzyRandomChance-ConstrainedProgrammingforQuantifyingTransmissionReliabilityMargin. LectureNotesinComputerScience,Volume
WuJiekang,LongJun,LiangYing,HeFen.DSP- BasedFundamentalFrequencyTrackingSystemforDigitalProtectionRelaying.InternationalJournalofPowerandEnergySystems
WuJiekang, HeBenteng. HeBenteng.AnAlgorithmforFrequencyEstimationofSignalsComposedofMultipleSingle-Tones.JournalofZhejiangUniversitySCIENCE
WuJiekang. OptimalSchedulingStrategyforEnergyConsumptionMinimizationofHydro-ThermalPowerSystems.EnergyandPowerEngineering
WuJiekang, Guo Zhuangzhi. Multi-objective short-term optimal scheduling of terraced hydropower station based on imitation electromagnetism algorithm. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Jiekang Wu, Zhuangzhi Guo, Guoqiang Ding. Multi-objective short-term optimal scheduling with dynamic water abandonment strategy for stepped hydropower plants. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Wu Jiekang,Zhu Jianquan. Short-term optimal scheduling strategy of terraced hydropower station under opportunity constrained planning. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Wu JK, Kong FN. Analysis and calculation of hydropower energy storage model for hydropower station. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Jiekang Wu, Zhen Ren. Delegated trading and its mathematical model in power market. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Jiekang Wu, Meijuan Shi, Guotong Chen, Hongliang Zhang. Optimal standby capacity model and algorithm for regional power system. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Jiekang Wu. Estimation of power system frequency during transient process. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Guo Zhuangzhi, Wu Jiekang, Kong Fanni, Zhu Yunan. Long-term optimal scheduling for maximizing the utilization of reservoir storage energy in a terraced hydropower plant. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Guo Zhuangzhi,Wu Jiekang. An imitation electromagnetism algorithm for fault interval localization in distribution networks. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Wu JK, Tang L, Han JF. Short-term optimal scheduling of terraced hydropower stations based on sequential quadratic programming. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Qin Zhijun,Yang Yude,Wu Jiekang. Implementation of step-size control interior point method for vectorized dynamic optimal tidal current computation. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Jiekang Wu, Zhen Ren, Wenying Huang. Batch and hierarchical bidding strategies in power markets. Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering
Jianquan Zhu, Jiekang Wu. Short-term optimal scheduling of terraced hydropower plants based on hybrid particle swarm algorithm with risk accounting. Journal of Electrical Engineering Technology
Wu JK, Li JY. Stochastic model and algorithm for security pricing of power system based on opportunity constrained planning. Journal of Electrotechnology
Jiekang Wu, Zhuangzhi Guo, Yunan Zhu, Lihan Qin, Lin Ning. Hydroelectric power generation model based on reservoir energy. Journal of Electrotechnology
Jiekang Wu, Jian Zeng. Water-fire joint scheduling model based on revenue maximization. Journal of Electrotechnology
Wu Jiekang,Long Jun,Wang Zhuxiang. Fast and accurate measurement of system frequency based on digital differential algorithm. Journal of Electrotechnology
Jiekang Wu, Jiayu Li, Lin Zhang, Yongjian Deng. Practical active static security domain based on fuzzy load in power market. Journal of Electrotechnology
Jiekang Wu, Ju Zhou, Qiang Wu, Ying Liang, Guotong Chen. Calculation of available transmission capacity based on small disturbance stabilization constraints. Journal of Electrotechnology
Wu, J.K., Wu, Q., Liang, T., Chen, G.T.,Zhou, J... Transmission reliability margin calculation based on fuzzy random chance constrained planning. Power System Automation
Jiekang Wu, Meimei Lin,Guotong Chen,Hongliang Zhang. Grid task scheduling algorithm based on stable matching mechanism. Journal of System Simulation
Jianquan Zhu, Jiekang Wu. Uncertainty risk management model for short-term optimal scheduling of water-fire power systems. Power System Automation
Ren Zhen, Wu JK. Transmission blockage management and pricing in a competitive electricity market. Power System Automation
Ren Zhen, Wu JK. Idle cost and its recovery method in electricity market. Power System Automation
Ren Zhen, Huang Fuquan, Huang Wenying, Wu Jiekang. Research on bidding portfolio strategy of power plants in power market. Power System Automation
Kong Fan-Ni, Wu Ji-Kang. Dual-loop robust control of hydraulic turbine speed control system. Power Grid Technology
Wu Jiekang, Deng Song, Chen Guotong, Zhang Hongliang. Voltage stability assessment based on fuzzy neural network decision tree. Grid Technology
Wu JK, Han JF, Liu W, Wu ZH. Economic scheduling method of power system based on anti-predator particle swarm algorithm. Grid Technology
Wu JK, Hu WX, Qin TH, Luo T. Voltage stability of power system based on TCSC. Calculation of voltage stability sensitivity index taking into account TCSC. Grid Technology
Wu JK, Lu WL. Short-term optimal scheduling of water-fire power system based on benefit analysis. Grid Technology
Wu Jiekang, Tang Litao, Wei Shange, Huang Huan, Mo Shixun. Short-term multi-objective economic dispatch of hydro-fire power system based on genetic algorithm and DEA. Power Grid Technology
Wu Jiekang, Qin Tonhan, Ning Lin. Singular value analysis method and index calculation of power system voltage stability with static synchronous series compensator. Grid Technology
Wu Jiekang,Guo Zhuangzhi,Qin Lihan,Ning Lin. Optimal scheduling of terraced hydropower stations based on continuous linear programming. Grid Technology
Wu Jikang, Ding Yiyan, He Gaoxin, Jiang Cheng. Static voltage stability analysis of AC-DC system taking into account TCSC. Grid Technology
Wu JK, Ren Z, Huang WY, Huang FQ. Consumer power management and its strategy in a fully open power market, Grid Technology
Wu JK, Long J, He F, He QL. Regulation and optimization of generating unit output in power market. Grid Technology
Li Jinyan,Wu Jikang. Optimization calculation of power system security cost based on opportunity constraint planning. Grid Technology
Wu JK, Zhu JQ. Bidding management based on improved particle swarm algorithm in power bank mode. Grid Technology
Huang Huan,Wu JK. Discriminative method of power system voltage signal transient distortion based on independent component analysis. Grid Technology
Wu JK, Zhang L. Interface current margin based on voltage security. Interface current margin calculation based on voltage security. Grid Technology
Huang Huan, Wu JK. EMD-based power quality disturbance signal localization method. Grid Technology
Jiekang Wu, Xiaoyan Huang, Huan Huang, Shixun Mo. Calculation and optimization of reservoir regulation capacity of hydropower station. Grid Technology
Wu JK, Zheng B, Huang Huan. An economic load allocation method for power system based on improved hybrid particle swarm algorithm. Grid Technology
Wu Jikang, Guo Zhuangzhi, Qin Tonhan, Wei Shange, Zhu Yunan. Short-term economic dispatch of water-fire power system based on hybrid imitation electromagnetism algorithm. Grid Technology
Wu JK, Long J, Wang CX. Evaluation of market power and generation bidding strategy in power market. China Electric Power
Wu JK, Ren Zhen. Modeling and Pricing in Wholesale and Retail Markets. China Electric Power
Wu Jiekang, Zhou Ju. Transmission cost assessment of available transmission capacity based on DC sensitivity method. China Electric Power
Wu Jiekang, Xu Bo, Chen Guotong,Li Jinyan. Stochastic modeling of power system security cost. China Power
Huang Fuquan, Ren Zhen, Huang Wenying, Wu Jiekang, Pan Ximang. Real-time electricity price considering user price response in electricity market. China Electric Power
Wu JK, Duan YF.A parameter tuning strategy for IEEE802.11 EEDCA mechanism. Computer Applications
Wu JK, Chen MH, Chen GT. PSO-based fuzzy neural network short-term load forecasting. Journal of Power System and Automation
Jiekang Wu, Houjian Zhan. Characteristic structure analysis of power system voltage stability and its computation with STATCOM. Journal of Power Systems and Automation
Jiekang Wu, Meijuan Shi, Guotong Chen, Ying Liang, Qiang Wu. Optimal backup model of regional power system based on Multi-AIGA algorithm. Journal of Power System and Automation
Jiekang Wu, Yuanhong Ning, Guotong Chen, Hongliang Zhang. Black-start power supply selection based on accident loss minimization. Journal of Power Systems and Automation
Long Jun, Wu Jiekang, Wang Cuxiang. Strategic bidding and mathematical model for minimizing production cost in power market. Journal of Power System and Automation
Shi Meijuan, Tang Donglei, Zhang Jizuo, Wu Jiekang. Adaptive immune genetic algorithm and its application to optimal standby capacity calculation for regional power systems. Relay
Wu Jiekang, Long Jun, Wang Cuxiang. Fast and accurate estimation of power parameters based on digital differential algorithm. Relay
Jiekang Wu, Jiayu Li. Application of unit reliability criteria in its capacity cost sharing in power market. Relay
Jiekang Wu, Biao Zhang. Determination of voltage destabilization zones in AC and DC systems using the characteristic structure method. Relay
Zhan Houjian, Wu Jiekang, Kang Haibing. Switching function modeling and simulation of static synchronous compensator. Power System Protection and Control
Guo-Shang Wu,Jie-Kang Wu,Guo-Tong Chen,Hong-Liang Zhang. Optimal sharing model of transmission blockage and network loss. North China Power Technology
Wu Jiekang,Zhan Houjian,Zhu Yunan,Kang Haibing. Mathematical modeling and simulation of three-phase induction regulator. Transformer
WuJiekang,LongJun,WangJixiang.High-Accuracy,Wide-RangeFrequencyEstimationMethodsforPowerSystemSignalsUnderNon- sinusoidalConditions.TheProceedingsofIEEE2004PowerEngineeringSocietyGeneralMeeting,Denver,USA,Jun
WuJiekang. FrequencyTrackingTechniquesofPowerSystemsinNoises.2005IEEEPESGeneralMeeting,SanFrancisco,CaliforniaUSA
WuJiekang. FaultLocationofTwo-TerminalTransmissionlineswithaSmallFaultResistance.2005IEEEPESGeneralMeeting,SanFrancisco,CaliforniaUSA
WuJiekang.NumericalDifferentiationandDigitalFIRFilterBasedAlgorithmforPowerSystemMeasurement.2005IEEEPESGeneralMeeting,SanFrancisco SanFrancisco,CaliforniaUSA
WuJiekang,B.T.He,Y.Hu,D.S.LuoandY.Liang.ANovelMethodforRemovalofDCComponentinNon- SinusoidalSignalsofPowerSystems.IEEEPowerEngineeringSociety's2004PowerSystemsConferenceandExposition(PSCE2004),NewYorkcity,NewYork ,USA,10-13October
WuJiekang,B.T.He,Y.Hu,D.S.LuoandY.Liang.HarmonicFrequencyEstimationofPowerSystems. IEEEPowerEngineeringSociety's2004PowerSystemsConferenceandExposition(PSCE2004),NewYorkcity,NewYork,USA
Wujiekang,LongJun, WangJixiang.GenerationProfitOptimalModelsforTrustTransactions.intheProceedingsofIEEE-PES/ CSEEInternationalConferenceonPowerSystemTechnology,Kunming,China,October13-17,2002
WuJiekang,Lijiayu. CapacityPaymentsinCompetitiveElectricityMarkets-ABilateralTradeModel.2004IEEEInternationalConferenceonPowerSystemTechnology ( POWERCON2004),Singapore,Singapore,Nov21-24,2004.
Intellectual Property RightsNational Patent for Invention: High Efficiency Power Generation Method and System for Hydroelectric Generator, Inventor: Jiekang Wu
National Patent for Invention: Tailwater Booster and High Efficiency Power Generation System for Hydroelectric Power Station, Inventor: Jiekang Wu, Jian Zeng
National Patent for Invention: Method of pressurizing tail water pipe of hydropower station based on wind power generation-electric motor unit and high efficient power generation system, Inventor: Jiekang Wu
National Patent for Invention: Method of expanding flow in elliptical tail water pipe and high efficient power generation system, Inventor: Jiekang Wu
National Patent for Invention: Re-utilization of water energy in large-scale hydropower station and high efficient power generation Method and system, Inventor: Wu Jiekang, He Fen
National Patent for invention: High-efficiency hydroelectric power generation method and system with multiple tailrace pipes, Inventor: Wu Jiekang, Lin Scarflin, He Fen
National Patent for invention: High-efficiency hydroelectric power generation method and system with water flow pressurization, Inventor: Wu Jiekang, Wang Bing, He Fen
National Patent for invention: High-efficiency hydroelectric power generation with cascading tailrace pipe Method and System, Inventors: Wu Jiekang, He Fen
National Patent for Invention: Method and System for Optimization of Water Abandonment in Terraced Hydroelectric Power Station, Inventors: Wu Jiekang, Guo Zhuangzhi, Ding Guoqiang, He Fen
National Patent for Invention: High Efficiency Hydroelectric Power Generation by Highly Slender Tubing, Inventors: Wu Jiekang, Peng Bing, He Fen
National Patent for Invention: High Efficiency Hydroelectric Power Generation by Wind Power Boosting Method and System, Inventors: Wu Jiekang, He Fen
Research Projects
National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program), Correlation Analysis and Optimization Technology of Multiple Benefit Indicators of a Group of Terraced Hydropower Plants, Project Leader, Oct. 1, 2007-June 31, 2010
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), Benefit Measurement based Research on Optimization Strategy of Co-generation of Hongshui River Terraced Hydropower Station Groups, Project Leader, January 2008-December 2010
Special Research Fund for Doctoral Discipline Points in Institutions of Higher Learning, Research on Evaluation Methods of Water-saving Power Generation and Sustainability of Hydraulic Energy Utilization of Hongshui River Terraced Hydropower Station Groups, Project Leader, January 2010-December 2012
Degree and Postgraduate Education Reform and Development Special Projects - Important Projects, Research and Practice of Cultivating Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Employability of Postgraduates Based on Industry-University-Research Cooperation Education, Project Leader, January 2008 - December 2009
Nanning Scientific Research and Technological Development Program, Innovation Program Projects, Embedded Self- Research and Development of Multifunctional Energy Meter without Transformer, Project Leader, August 2006 - August 2008
Technology Innovation Fund for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Multifunctional Excitation Device Based on Embedded System and PLC, Project Leader, July 2010 - July 2012
Technology Innovation Fund for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Embedded Self Adaptive Multifunctional Transformerless Power Meter, Project Leader, January 2007~December 2008
Guangxi Universities Hundred Young and Middle-aged Discipline Leaders Funding Program Project, Research on the Application of Independent Component Analysis in Online Safety Monitoring of Interconnected Power Systems, Project Leader, January 2007~December 2009
Guangxi Natural Science Foundation Project. Research on power system operation and scheduling for electric vehicles, project leader, March 2011~March 2014
Guangxi Natural Science Foundation Project, Research on online monitoring mechanism of transient signals of electric power equipment and related technology under grid computing environment, project leader, May 2006~May 2009
Guangxi Scientific Research and Technology Development Program Project Digital Monitoring System for 10kV Distribution Lines Based on 3G Communication and Embedded Technology, Project Leader, May 2011-May 2013
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Science and Technology Department's Science and Technology Program Project, "Trial Manufacturing of Intelligent Control Hardware with Independent Property Rights Based on Embedded System", Sub-topic. "Multi-function power meter based on embedded Linux system, project leader, January 2006-December 2007
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Department of Education Scientific Research Program Project, Research on the principle of water flow transfer in the basin of terraced hydropower station group and the coupling mechanism of water, machinery and electricity, project leader, January 2009-December 2010
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Education Department Scientific Research Program Project, Research on Power Metering Platform and Related Technologies Based on Network Computing (Gui Keji Research No. 47), Project Leader, January 2006-December 2008Ningbo Natural Science Foundation Project, Research on Neuro-Fuzzy Theory in Power Meter Metering, Project Leader, January 2005-December 2006
Ningbo Natural Science Foundation Project, Project Leader, January 2005-December 2006
Ningbo Natural Science Foundation Project, Research on Neuro-Fuzzy Theory in Power Meter Metering, Project Leader, January 2005-December 2006 December
Guangxi Power Grid Company, Intelligent Dynamic Load Management in Electricity Market, Main Participant, August 2004-December 2005
Long'an County Electricity Company, Twelfth Five-Year Plan of Long'an County Electricity Grid, Project Manager, 2008-2009
Ningbo City Natural Science Foundation, Research on Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Theory in Energy Meter Metering, Project Leader, January 2005-December 2006 2009
Nanning Municipal Transportation Bureau Project, Nanning Station Monitoring System, main participant, Jan 2007 - Dec 2007
Nanning Municipal Transportation Bureau Project, Taxi Safety Monitoring and Dispatching System, main participant, Jan 2007 - Dec 2007
Zhejiang Province key Science and Technology Enterprise Incubator Special Project, SF6 gas micro-water online comprehensive monitoring device, project leader, January 2005~December 2007
Wenzhou Science and Technology Tackling Project, DC Circuit Breaker Ampere Second Characteristic Curve Test System Development, project leader, August 2005~July 2006
Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation Project, Guangdong Provincial Electricity Market Research on Operation Mechanism and Production Cost of Guangdong Electricity Market, major participant (ranked third), January 2000~December 2002
Project of Guangdong Radio and Television Group, Research on Transaction Models and Algorithms of Guangdong Electricity Market, major participant (ranked fourth), January 2001~December 2001
Project of Education Department of Guangxi Province, Development of U-type Nonlinear Anti-Disturbance Excitation The development of U-type nonlinear anti-interference excitation regulator, major participant (ranked fourth), January 1999-December 2001
Project of Guangxi Education Department, New development and application of integrated network theory, major participant (ranked fourth), January 1997-January 1999
Guangxi Education Department, New development and application of integrated network theory, major participant (ranked fourth), 1997-January 1999
Guangxi Education Department, New development and application of integrated network theory, major participant (ranked fourth), 1997-January 1999 Fourth), 1997-1999
Teaching Activities
Taught more than 10 undergraduate, master's, and doctoral courses: power system analysis, circuit theory, power system relay protection principles, microcomputer protection, power electronics, VC language, Matlab and its engineering applications, microcomputer principles and applications, microcontroller Principles and Applications, DSP Principles and Applications, Electricity Market Fundamentals, Electricity Marketing, Electricity Economics and Management, Electricity Enterprise Management, Basic Computer Communication Technology.