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After Sauers built the typewriter, he strangely noticed that one of the typists kept malfunctioning when hitting the keys normally. The problem was solved by a typist who kept malfunctioning when hitting the keys normally. To solve this problem, Sauers went to his brother-in-law, a mathematician and schoolteacher, for help. His brother-in-law came up with a solution: by separating the common letters on the keyboard, the speed of keystrokes would be slowed down a little and the malfunctions would be minimized. \x0d Sauers gladly took his brother-in-law's suggestion and put the letters in a strange QWERTY order. The fact that the letters had to be arranged haphazardly in order to avoid malfunctions might have been embarrassing for Sauers to tell the public. So, in a clever ploy, he said it was the most scientific way to speed up typing. \x0dAnd in fact, Sauers' claim has been recognized by authorities on the history of typewriters in Britain as "one of the greatest deceptions of all time" and "an outright lie". \Strangely enough, the more scientific keyboards that differed from Sauers' design were eliminated from history, while people grew accustomed to using the oddly organized keyboards. \It took centuries for people to find a way to invent the typewriter. In 1714, in England, Henry Mill patented a machine called the "Artificial Machine or Instrument for Transcribing Letters, by which it is possible to write as it were, single letters alone, or several in succession, and all the contents of which are neatly and accurately transcribed in capital letters on paper or parchment," he said. "on paper or parchment, as if it were printed". That machine probably couldn't be bought because no one could remember its name. \The first typewriter in use was patented in the United States in 1868 by Christopher Latham Shores. Christopher Latham Shoals patented it. His machine was called a typewriter. It had a movable frame, a lever to turn the typewritten paper, and a keyboard arranged in alphabetical order. \x0dBut Shoals had a problem. On his original model, its "ABC" keys were arranged in such a way that they often clogged up when the typist struck them quickly. Shoals didn't know how to keep the keys from interfering with each other, and his solution was to keep the typist from typing too fast. Shoals asked his brother-in-law to rearrange the keyboard so that the most commonly used letters were not too close together, and so that the lead linkage could move in opposite directions so that they would not collide and clog the machine. The new arrangement was the QWERTY arrangement used by typists today. Of course, Scholes claimed that the new arrangement was scientific and improved speed and efficiency. In fact, the only efficiency it improved was to slow the typist down, since typing almost any word in the English language required the typist's fingers to travel longer distances across the keyboard. The advantages of the \x0d certainly outweighed the disadvantages of the keyboard. Typists quickly memorized the strange arrangement of letters, and the typewriter was an instant success. By the time typists had memorized the new arrangement of letters and typing speeds had increased, typewriter construction techniques had improved and the keys no longer clogged as easily as they had in the beginning. \x0dThe keyboard invented by Shoals was not good enough for today's eyes, and there were too many shortcomings in the way the letters were arranged. For example, the 10 most commonly used letters in the English language, there are 8 from the prescribed finger position is too far, not conducive to improving typing speed; In addition, the keyboard needs to be typed with the left hand of the letters of the discharge is too much, because the average person is "right-handed", only 3,000 words in the English language can be typed with the left hand, so it is very awkward to use. Some people have made statistics, using the QWERTY keyboard, a skilled typist 8 hours of finger movement distance up to 25.7 kilometers, after a day of exhaustion. Unfortunately, thousands of people's habits into nature, QWERTY keyboard today still firmly occupy the computer input field, although some people have long been designed to more scientific arrangement of the keys, but never become the climate. Modern computer keyboards have no metal rods or other encumbrances, something the Shoals never expected. \x0dThe current popular keyboard is called the "Quick Shoe Keyboard", originally "QWERTY", has anyone noticed that this word looks a little familiar and a little strange, in fact, it is the combination of the first row of letters on the keyboard. See the following three rows of letters:\x0dQ W E R T Y U I O P\x0dA S D F G H J K L\x0dZ X C V B N M\x0d The first typewriter was introduced in 1868, this is the order of the letters of all computer keyboards or English typewriters. The interested reader may wonder why the 26 letters are arranged in such an irregular way. It's hard to memorize and hard to master. The original keyboard is basically in accordance with the alphabetical order, but in order to avoid typists to type too fast, so that the mechanical rod supporting the keyboard collision caused by failure, so adjust the position of some letters, the formation of today's model. The reason for this is said to be this:\x0d In the 1870s, Sholes Co. was the largest manufacturer specializing in typewriters at the time. Due to the lack of mechanical process at that time, so that the keys in the hit after the rebound speed is slow, once the typist hit the keys too fast, it is easy to happen that the two keys are twisted together phenomenon, you have to be very careful with their hands to separate them, which seriously affects the speed of the typewriter. As a result, the company often received complaints from customers. \x0dTo solve this problem, the designers and engineers had a hard time because there was no way to increase the speed of the keys. Later, a clever engineer suggested that the cause of typewriter keystrokes is, on the one hand, of course, the slow rebound speed of the keys, and on the other hand, the typist's keystroke speed is too fast. Since we can't increase the speed of key return, why don't we try to reduce the speed of the typist's keystrokes? This is definitely a new idea. There are many ways to reduce the speed of a typist's keystrokes, the simplest of which is to disorganize the 26 letters of the alphabet by placing the more commonly used letters under the clumsier fingers, e.g., the letter "O" is the third most frequently used letter in the English language, but it is placed under the ring finger of the right hand; the letters "S" and "S" and the letters "S" and "S" are placed under the right hand's right hand's right hand's right ring finger; and the letters "S" and "S" are placed under the right hand's left finger. The letters "S" and "A", also frequently used letters, are given to the ring and little fingers of the clumsiest left hand. For the same reason, the less frequently used letters "V", "J", and "U" are given to the most flexible index finger. \As a result, the "QWERTY" keyboard was born and was gradually standardized. Later, due to developments in materials technology, the keys could be bounced back much faster than the typist could hit them, but the alphabetical order of the keyboard could not be changed. \x0dThis arrangement does bring a lot of input trouble for beginners, in fact, as early as 1936, someone noticed this problem, also introduced a more ergonomic keyboard, but unfortunately, the Second World War, this keyboard before the market died, recently there are groups actively promote this keyboard called "Deverzac", perhaps in the near future, the new letter arrangement will be widely adopted! .

The keyboard is very old, as early as 1714, began a succession of British, American, French, Italian, Swiss and other countries invented a variety of forms of typewriters, the earliest keyboard is the time used in those technically immature typewriters. Until 1868, the "father of the typewriter" - the American Christopher Latham Sholes (Christopher Latham Sholes) was awarded a patent for the model of the typewriter and obtained the right to operate the business, and then a few years later designed the A few years later, Christopher Latham Sholes, an American, patented and operated a model typewriter and designed the practical form of the modern typewriter and first standardized the keyboard, now known as the "QWERTY" keyboard.

Why standardize the keyboard to the current "QWERTY" keyboard key layout? This is because initially, the typewriter keyboard is arranged in alphabetical order, and the typewriter is a full mechanical structure of the typing tool, so if the typing speed is too fast, certain combinations of keys are very easy to appear jamming problems, so Christopher Latham Sholes (Christopher Latham Sholes) invented the QWERTY keyboard layout, he will be the most commonly used letters of the alphabet He placed the most frequently used letters in the opposite direction to minimize the speed of keystrokes and avoid jamming. Sholes filed a patent application in 1868, and the first commercial typewriter using this layout hit the market in 1873. That's why there is the way keyboards are arranged today.?

The QWERTY keyboard key layout is very inefficient. For example, most typists are right-handed, but with a QWERTY keyboard, the left hand does 57% of the work. The two little fingers and the left ring finger are the least powerful fingers, yet they are used frequently. The letters in the middle row are used for only about 30 percent of the total typing work, so it is often necessary to move the fingers up and down in order to type a word.?

In 1888, the United States held a typing open competition, the court stenographer Magallin in accordance with a clear division of fingerprints to show his blind typing technology, the error is only three out of 10,000, so that the people in the room surprised, according to the record Magallin's prize money is $ 0, since then many people follow this blind typing, in the United States also began to have a school specializing in the training of typists.

Because of the emergence of blind-typing technology, so that the speed of keystrokes is sufficient to meet the needs of daily work, however, 60 years later (1934), Washington, a man called Dvorak (Dvorak) for the left and right hands can alternately hit more words and invented a new arrangement of the keyboard can shorten the training cycle of 1/2 time, an average of 35% higher speed. DVORAK keyboard layout principles are: 1, as far as possible, the left and right hand alternately hit, to avoid one-handed hit; 2, the more rows of keys to hit the average distance of movement is minimized; 3, rows in the guide key position should be the most commonly used letters.

More rational and efficient than the DUORAK keyboard is the MALT keyboard invented by Lillian Malt. It changed the staggered rows of keys and allowed more use of the thumbs, making Backspace and other keys farther from the center of the keyboard easier to reach. But the MALT keyboard required special hardware to install on a computer, so it was not widely used.

By the mid-20th century, the keyboard had another use - as a basic input device for computers. On the other hand, the "QWERTY" keyboard is still the most used keyboard layout today, a classic example of the "underdog triumphing over the overdog".

IT biography: QWERTY keyboard inventor - Shoals

Today, the most common input devices for PCs are the keyboard and mouse.

The general-purpose 101- or 102-key keyboard, named after the arrangement of the letters of the alphabet, is called the QWERTY keyboard. Undoubtedly, it was "born" from the English typewriter. Bill Gates used this keyboard to illustrate what he meant by "de facto" standards: "English typewriters and computer keyboards arrange the letters in QWER?TY order, and there is no law that says they have to be arranged that way. But they work, and most users adhere to them." Interestingly, this arrangement is not a sensible layout.?

The inventor of the QWERTY keyboard was named Christoph Sholes (C. Sholes), who lived during the American Civil War in the 19th century and was the editor of the Milwaukee News. Sholes, with the assistance of his friend Saul, had developed and patented a page numbering machine. A newspaper colleague, Glidden, suggested he build on this to further develop the typewriter and got him information on the British trials...?

After several years of work, Sholes and his two partners produced a prototype typewriter in 1860. However, Shoals discovered to his chagrin that his machine did not work properly as long as it was typed at a slightly faster speed. As a rule, Shoals put the 26 letters of the alphabet in the order of ABCDEF on the keyboard, in order to make the typed words one by one, the keys can not be too far apart. In this case, as long as the fingers move a little faster, the metal rods connecting the keys will interfere with each other. To overcome the interference, Shores rearranged the letter keys, spacing common letters as far apart as possible to lengthen the process of finger movement.?

The counterintuitive thinking approach turned out to be a success. Excitedly, Shores typed out a line of letters, "The first blessing, for all the men, and especially, for all the women." Shoals "especially" dedicated his invention to women, for whom he wanted to create a new profession that had never existed before - "typist". On June 23, 1868, the U.S. Patent Office formally accepted the patent for the typewriter invention registered by Shoals, Glidden, and Saul***.

With today's eyes, there are too many shortcomings in the way the letters of the keyboard invented by Shoals are arranged. For example, the 10 most commonly used letters in the English language, there are 8 from the prescribed finger position is too far, not conducive to improving typing speed; In addition, the keyboard needs to be typed with the left hand of the letters of the discharge is too much, because the average person is "right-handed", so it is very awkward to use. Some people have made statistics, the use of QWERTY keyboard, a skilled typist 8 hours of finger movement distance up to 25.7 kilometers. However, the QWERTY keyboard is still the "de facto" standard for computer keyboards today. Although University of Washington professor August Dvorak (A. Dvorak) designed a more scientific arrangement of the keys DVORAK keyboard in 1932, but never become a climate. The mouse was invented by American scientist Douglas Engelbart (D. Engelbart) in 1964. Prof. Negroponte wrote in Digital Survival: "He designed the mouse to point at documents, not to draw. But the invention survived and is everywhere today." ?

Engelbart was a brilliant thinker, inventor, and computer pioneer who authored 25 books and held more than 20 patents for inventions during his lifetime. He made genius predictions and proposed theoretical frameworks in many areas, including hypertext and hypermedia systems, human-computer interaction, and network technology. He spent his life trying to develop computers that would increase intelligence for mankind, and the mouse was just one of his incidental little inventions.?

Engelbart served as a ship's radar technician during World War II and received a doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley, after the war. He often fantasized about computers that displayed graphics like radar and could be operated with a joystick, and in 1964, with funding from the Department of Defense's Advanced Planning and Research Agency (ARPA), Engelbart established an "Augmentation Research Center" to make his dream a reality. In 1968, at the Fall Computer Conference in the United States, Engelbart showed attendees his new invention: the ability to remotely operate a rudimentary mainframe computer 25 kilometers away with a keyboard, a monitor, and a crude mouse, causing a sensation among those who were still using perforated card output at the time.

The housing of the prototype Engelbart mouse was exquisitely carved out of wood and had only one button, unlike modern mice that have three buttons. A metal wheel was mounted on the bottom to control the movement of the cursor, and when patented in 1970, the little device was called the "Display System X-Y Position Indicator". Some people in the United States joked that only a man would think to call it a "mouse" because in American slang, "mouse" (Mouse) also means "girlfriend".

In 1972, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) developed a graphical interface "Alto" (Alto) microcomputer, the developer of the middle of the Engebut Laboratory "jumped" from the people, they put the mouse configuration In 1983, Apple followed suit by equipping their first mouse in the "Lisa" (Lisa) microcomputer. Since then, the mouse has become an essential input device for personal computers. (n104)

Currently, the negative effects of computers on human physiology and psychology have been increasingly emphasized. For this reason the scientific use of computers to reduce the harm of computers and the Internet is very necessary.?

One is to enhance self-care awareness of the work gap to pay attention to appropriate rest, in general, computer operators should rest for about 10 minutes after an hour of continuous work. And it is best to go outside the operating room to move the hands and feet and torso. Usually to strengthen physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, to regular physical examination and self-psychological determination.

The second is to pay attention to the working environment Computer indoor light should be appropriate, not too bright or too dark, to avoid direct light on the fluorescent screen and produce interference with the light, the studio should be kept ventilated and dry, so that those harmful gases as soon as possible, try to reduce the noise of the non-strike printers.

Third, pay attention to the correct operating position should be installed in the center of the computer screen and the operator's chest at the same level, it is best to use a chair that can be adjusted height. Sitting should have enough space to extend the feet, do not cross the feet, so as not to affect blood circulation.

Fourth, pay attention to the protection of eyesight To avoid prolonged continuous operation of the computer, pay attention to the middle of the rest. To maintain a most appropriate posture, the distance between the eyes and the screen should be 40-50 centimeters, so that both eyes look flat or gazing mildly downward at the fluorescent screen, which can make the neck muscles relaxed and minimize the area of exposure of the eyeballs. If there is dryness and redness of the eyes, burning or a foreign body sensation, heavy eyelids, blurred vision, or even a swollen eye or headache, then you need to see an ophthalmologist in the hospital. Therefore, computer operators should eat more carrots, cabbage, bean sprouts, tofu, red dates, oranges, and milk, eggs, animal liver, lean meat and other foods to supplement the human body vitamin A and protein. And drink more tea, tea polyphenols and other active substances in tea will be conducive to the absorption and resistance to radioactive substances.

Sixth, pay attention to keep the skin clean The computer fluorescent screen surface exists a lot of static electricity, its collection of dust can be transmuted to the face and hands of the skin exposed, over time, easy to spot rash, hyperpigmentation, the serious ones will even cause skin lesions, etc.?

Computer health?

Computer people can drink more green tea, chrysanthemum tea?

Computer people in addition to more exposure to electromagnetic radiation, computer fluorescent screen flicker on the eyes also has a strong stimulating effect.

Long-term computer users are prone to eye disease. Experts believe that usually drink more green tea can play a certain anti-radiation effect. In addition, chrysanthemum on the treatment of eye fatigue, blurred vision has a very good therapeutic effect, often feel dry eyes of the computer family, drink more chrysanthemum tea is beneficial and harmless.

Many people know that the long-term use of computers will affect the health.?

Computer users are prone to varicose veins in the lower extremities, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, and eye diseases.

Eyes in a state of tension?

Because the computer people sit in front of the computer, look at things closer, forcing the eye ciliary muscle in the contraction of the state of tension, so that the crystal convex to adapt to the visual near objects, the eyes are in a state of tension for a long time and do not get a rest will lead to myopia. Visual fatigue will also cause the aqueous humor to be blocked, which is more likely to lead to glaucoma. At the same time, dry eye, cataracts, corneal ulcers and retinal detachment are also susceptible to eye disease in long-term computer users.

Computer people in addition to more exposure to electromagnetic radiation, computer fluorescent screen flicker on the eyes also has a strong stimulating effect, so that people appear tearing, vision loss, dizziness and other signs of discomfort.

Green tea anti-radiation effect?

Experts believe that usually drink more green tea can play a certain anti-radiation effect. The Shennong Materia Medica tea included in the 365 kinds of drugs, and said, "tea flavor bitter, drink it to make people think, less lying, light body and eyesight." ?

Experts believe that green tea contains vitamin C, vitamin E, especially tea polyphenols, has a strong antioxidant activity, can remove oxygen free radicals in the body, so as to play the role of anti-radiation, enhance the body's immune system.

In addition, tea contains carotene, which, under the action of the intestinal wall and liver, can be transformed into vitamin A. And vitamin A has the function of nourishing the eyes, relieving eye fatigue and preventing night blindness.?

Makes the brain more agile?

Not long ago, British scientists found that drinking tea can prevent the synthesis of an enzyme in the human body that destroys acetylcholine, the medium for transmitting information between brain cells. Therefore, drinking tea for the commonly used computer workers, another item to make the brain more agile benefits.

Past medical reports show that tea has been isolated and identified by more than 700 known compounds, including proteins, fats, sugars and polyphenols, saponins, alkaloids, theanine, pigments, aroma substances, etc.?

Chrysanthemum tea care eyes?

In addition, computer users can also use chrysanthemum tea "care" eyes. The Chinese have known since ancient times that chrysanthemum has a protective effect on the eyes, and chrysanthemum has a very good effect on treating eye fatigue and blurred vision.

Chrysanthemum tea with goji berries?

The Compendium of Materia Medica records that chrysanthemum is "sweet in nature, cold in flavor, with the efficacy of dispersing wind-heat, calming the liver and brightening the eyes". Modern pharmacology shows that chrysanthemum is rich in vitamin A, an important substance for maintaining eye health. Chrysanthemum tea can make a person's mind clear, eyes bright, especially on the liver fire, overuse of eyes caused by the dryness of both eyes has a better therapeutic effect, often feel the eyes dry computer people, drink more chrysanthemum tea is beneficial and harmless.

Drinking chrysanthemum tea method is simple, as long as the market sales, dry chrysanthemum water or boil to drink can, usually can be timed to brew one or two cups of chrysanthemum tea to drink, can achieve the role of eye health care, if you drink three to four cups of chrysanthemum tea every day, on the eyesight is also helpful.

Some people also like to add goji berries in chrysanthemum tea, bubble out of the tea is the famous "chrysanthemum and goji tea", with higher eye protection role, because chrysanthemum and goji berries are traditional Chinese medicine eye protection medicinal herbs.

It is worth noting that chrysanthemum is cold, cold body, usually afraid of cold, easy to cold hands and feet should not drink often, should drink in moderation.

Computer people can drink more green tea, chrysanthemum tea?

Computer people in addition to more exposure to electromagnetic radiation, the computer fluorescent screen flicker on the eyes also has a strong stimulating effect.

Long-term computer users are prone to eye disease. Experts believe that usually drink more green tea can play a certain anti-radiation effect. In addition, chrysanthemum on the treatment of eye fatigue, blurred vision has a very good therapeutic effect, often feel dry eyes of the computer family, drink more chrysanthemum tea is beneficial and harmless.

Many people know that the long-term use of computers will affect the health.?

Computer users are prone to varicose veins in the lower extremities, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, and eye diseases.

Eyes in a state of tension?

Because the computer people sit in front of the computer, look at things closer, forcing the eye ciliary muscle in the contraction of the state of tension, so that the crystal convex to adapt to the visual near the object, the eyes are in a state of tension for a long time and do not get a rest will lead to myopia. Visual fatigue will also cause the aqueous humor to be blocked, which is more likely to lead to glaucoma. At the same time, dry eye, cataracts, corneal ulcers and retinal detachment are also susceptible to eye disease in long-term computer users.

Computer people in addition to more exposure to electromagnetic radiation, computer fluorescent screen flicker on the eyes also has a strong stimulating effect, so that people appear tearing, vision loss, dizziness and other signs of discomfort.

Green tea anti-radiation effect?

Experts believe that usually drink more green tea can play a certain anti-radiation effect. The Shennong Materia Medica tea included in the 365 kinds of drugs, and said, "tea flavor bitter, drink it to make people think, less lying, light body and eyesight." ?

Experts believe that green tea contains vitamin C, vitamin E, especially tea polyphenols, has a strong antioxidant activity, can remove oxygen free radicals in the body, so as to play the role of anti-radiation, enhance the body's immune system.

In addition, tea contains carotene, which, under the action of the intestinal wall and liver, can be transformed into vitamin A. And vitamin A has the function of nourishing the eyes, relieving eye fatigue and preventing night blindness.?

Makes the brain more agile?

Not long ago, British scientists found that drinking tea can prevent the synthesis of an enzyme in the human body that destroys acetylcholine, the medium for transmitting information between brain cells. Therefore, drinking tea for the commonly used computer workers, another item to make the brain more agile benefits.

Past medical reports show that tea has been isolated and identified by more than 700 known compounds, including proteins, fats, sugars and polyphenols, saponins, alkaloids, theanine, pigments, aroma substances, etc.?

Chrysanthemum tea care eyes?

In addition, computer users can also use chrysanthemum tea "care" eyes. The Chinese have known since ancient times that chrysanthemum has a protective effect on the eyes, and chrysanthemum has a very good effect on treating eye fatigue and blurred vision.

Chrysanthemum tea with goji berries?

The Compendium of Materia Medica records that chrysanthemum is "sweet in nature, cold in flavor, with the efficacy of dispersing wind-heat, calming the liver and brightening the eyes". Modern pharmacology shows that chrysanthemum is rich in vitamin A, an important substance for maintaining eye health. Chrysanthemum tea can make a person's mind clear, eyes bright, especially on the liver fire, overuse of eyes caused by the dryness of both eyes has a better therapeutic effect, often feel the eyes dry computer people, drink more chrysanthemum tea beneficial.

Drinking chrysanthemum tea method is simple, as long as the market sales, dry chrysanthemum water or boil to drink can, usually can be timed to brew one or two cups of chrysanthemum tea to drink, can achieve the role of eye health care, if you drink three to four cups of chrysanthemum tea every day, on the eyesight is also helpful.

Some people also like to add goji berries in chrysanthemum tea, bubble out of the tea is the famous "chrysanthemum and goji tea", with higher eye protection role, because chrysanthemum and goji berries are traditional Chinese medicine eye protection medicinal herbs.

It is worth noting that chrysanthemum is cold, cold body, usually afraid of cold, easy to cold hands and feet should not drink often, should drink in moderation.

Beware of computer hazards?

OFFICE, the computer is our most important piece of office supplies, it is difficult to imagine, if there is no computer, how we will work. But unfortunately, when we enjoy the computer to bring us all the convenience at the same time, but also have to accept it in the physical and mental aspects of the threat to our health. Therefore, to understand the computer "disease", to prevent computer "disease", has become a matter of urgency for us. In order to fully understand the negative impact of computers on the OL's body and mind, we have organized this plan to comprehensively introduce the tips and methods to alleviate the OL's most difficult to escape from the eight computer "disease".

Sin number one: electromagnetic radiation?

Symptoms: insomnia, endocrine disruption?

Causes: the monitor is too hot, there will be quite a lot of electromagnetic radiation at work, it will make the air ionization, constantly generating a positive charge (positive ions), and constantly with the negative ions in the air and neutralization, resulting in the content of negative ions is almost zero. Negative ions are more beneficial, positive ions are more harmful, long-term in an environment with too many positive ions, they enter the lungs through breathing, and then with the blood circulation is transported to the body's various tissues, so that the human blood, body fluids are acidic, slowing down the body's normal metabolic function, so that toxins hoarded in the body. Make people insomnia, decreased immunity, female endocrine disorders, etc.?

Relief methods?

1. Clean the office environment carefully. Because positive ions will be firmly adsorbed on dust particles, the more dust, the more positive ions.?

2. Drink more tea. Tea contains active substances such as tea polyphenols, which help absorb radioactive substances.?

3. Most of the radiation emitted by a monitor does not come from the front of it, but from the sides and back. So don't point the back of your monitor at the back of your coworker's head or the side of your body.

4. Drink green tea. Green tea is the most popular health drink in recent years, because it contains strong antioxidants catechol and vitamin C, not only can remove free radicals in the body, but also can make the paranephric cortex secretion of hormones against nervousness and stress, and have a great deal of improvement in emotional irritability. However, it is best to drink it during the day so as not to affect your sleep.

5. Mung beans can clear heat and detoxification, diuretic swelling, Job's tears can strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea, light and beneficial to the body, often need to stay up late at work or upset, dry mouth, constipation, for the elimination of irritability is very helpful.

6. Diligent washing of the face can prevent the stimulation of the skin by radiation waves.

7. Placing a pot of plants or water under the computer desk can absorb the electromagnetic waves emitted by the computer.?

8. Try to use an LCD monitor.?

9. Wear anti-radiation bibs.?

Sin 2: Dust fields?

Symptoms: skin allergies?

Causes: in the boot state of the monitor around the formation of an electrostatic field, it will be almost the entire room of the air suspended dust into their own field, thus making the facial skin irritation, there will be allergic rashes and other phenomena. Sitting in front of the computer, your surroundings will be filled with air containing a large number of dust particles, therefore, the user's skin is very easy to produce rashes and other allergic phenomena.