1. The pinyin of the word fuck is cāo ; 2. Explanation of the word fuck: (1) (动) to grasp in one's hand; to take: ~knife | ~heart | ~zong. (2) (动)做(事);从事:~作|~劳|重~旧业。 (3) (verb) to speak in a certain language or dialect: ~English|Wu. (4) (动) drill: body ~|workshop ~. (5) (Noun) character; behavior: ~shou | ~ line. (6) Surname.
Selected part of the word for the word manipulation grouping sentence and the pinyin and detailed explanation of the word:
1. manipulation sentence: your first thought will probably be to add this method as an instantiation method to your own class, but this method may not do the actual manipulation on any of your objects.
Explanation: to carry out an activity according to certain procedures and technical requirements: ~methods|~protocols.
2. Radio Gymnastics sentence: radio gymnastics, a 40-minute-long physical exercise promoted by *** and filled with kung-fu-style bursts and kicks, was first instituted by *** in 1951 to train the Chinese proletariat to deal with combat against the capitalist West.
Explanation: fitness gymnastics done by radio command, usually with music.
3. Competitive Gymnastics Quote: if the age of 17 and the iron will seem to distinguish the Eastern European character, thanks to Ferrari's mother, Geria? Bulgarian, a competitive gymnast in her youth.
Explanation: one of the sports of gymnastics. The men's program has free gymnastics, bars, bars, rings, pommel horse, vault and so on, and the women have free gymnastics, balance beam, uneven bars, vault and so on.
4, manipulation of the sentence: under international management, we have proposed a free vote, with the participation of **** proletarians to organize and by the election of manipulation just as a political force that has a war of adopting the processing will be.
Explanation: conduct (mostly refers to the performance of students in school).
5, artistic gymnastics sentence: MariaSharapova played artistic gymnastics in Los Angeles, and the Williams sisters tried figure skating at the local PalmBeach, Florida, rink.
Explanation: a category of gymnastics. Consists of dancing, jumping, balancing, wave movements and some skill movement movements. Generally accompanied by music. Rich in artistry.
6. Gymnastics sentence: Parents scrambled to take a place for their children, who studied math, languages, and regular gymnastics lessons outside, but the main thing was the daily piano lessons.
Explanation: a sport program that includes two main categories: unarmed gymnastics and apparatus gymnastics.
7, morning exercise sentence: not everyone in their 90s is as fit and energetic as this rabbi. He still teaches and writes, and agreed to a phone interview after his half-hour daily morning exercise.
Explanation: gymnastics done in the morning.
8, free gymnastics sentence: according to the British newspaper "Guardian" reported, in the 18th World Gymnastics Championships women's free gymnastics competition, 19-year-old Colombian player Hill? Ortiz action error to head first on the ground posture heavy fall on the ground.
Explanation: one of the competitive gymnastics programs where athletes perform various movements with their bare hands on the floor, carpet or mat.
9. Playgrounds sentence: They are in front of our eyes every moment, at home, in the workplace, in the newspaper, in conversation, in the classroom, on the playground, in the social and economic structure, everywhere.
Explanation: a field for physical exercise or military drill.
10, group exercise sentence: proposed an optimization algorithm for basic group exercise layout, the algorithm can give the whole process of multi-objective state transfer, and can automatically correct the position of the layout state relative to the center of the field.
Explanation: Collective performance, gymnastics with a certain thematic idea, the performers are required to do a variety of gymnastics or dance movements, or queue changes, or to form a variety of meaningful patterns.
11, chastity sentence: What happened to her caused millions of Chinese who were not only fed up with grass-roots corruption, but also valued the chastity of young women to ****ming, allowing the incident to transcend the political sphere.
Explanation: chastity.
12, operating procedures sentence: Now, under strict operating procedures and safety management, scientists have been given approval to go on and on to study the potential role of these drugs in treating mental illnesses and studying consciousness.
Explanation: The regulations that must be observed during operation are based on the conditions and nature of the work: technical ~ | safety ~.
13.操心造句:However, with U.S. unemployment at its highest level since 1983 and the number of Americans losing their homes still soaring, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke still has a lot to worry about.
Explanation: to take the trouble to consider and take care of: to worry about|The old branch secretary spent day and night ~ for the team.
14. Manipulate sentence: From the moment they are born, parents should always be ready to put them back into the world, instead of holding on to them or manipulating their lives during your lifetime.
Explanation: (1) to control or turn on machinery, instruments, etc.: to ~ at a distance. (2) to dominate or control by improper means: ~ market | Elections in capitalist countries have always been ~ by capitalists.
15, drill sentence: The bearded eccentrics and lavender-scented spinsters in the cluttered attic continued to drill the type on the paper as if there were still people in the world who baked their own bread and mowed their own lawns with scythes.
Explanation: to learn and practice skills in military or sports, etc., in formation.
16, instrumental gymnastics sentence: In 1811, an outdoor gymnastics center for men was opened in Berlin, where people could do calisthenics and practice bars and other instrumental gymnastics.
Explanation: Gymnastics done on the basis of sports equipment (such as the bar, pommel horse, balance beam, etc.).
17.操劳造句:And for those politicians, professionals, or businessmen who have already been working or worrying about serious things for six days, there is no point in letting them labor over trivia over the weekend.
Explanation: to labor hard; to take pains to take care of (matters).
18.操持造句: For the Awami League to be re-elected - there has been no truly elected *** in the past - it needs to be based on the rapid eradication of poverty, addressing the scarcity of resources, and manipulating the laws of the land.
Explanation: <light> (1) to take care of; to deal with: ~household chores|this matter is for you to ~. (2) To plan; to organize.
19. Sentiments coined: His course on Ethics and Logic was once published as A Treatise on Moral Sentiments, but he himself became known to the world mainly thanks to his socio-economic work, The Wealth of Nations.
Explanation: a state of mind synthesized by feelings and thoughts that does not change easily.
20, drill sentence: To prepare for such attacks, the Pentagon will "fully incorporate a set of envisioned cyberwarfare scenarios into exercises and training," including the use of "cyber redshirts" in military drills and exercises.
Explanation: drill; exercise (mostly used in military and sports): students in the playground ~ | | | a movement, first to understand the essentials.
21, integrity sentence: My integrity score in people's minds improved because I spent three weeks focusing on my positive reform record, which is what voters in this state really need to hear.
Explanation: the virtue of honesty and integrity.
22, temperament sentence: Tang Qiu is an ideal heavy temperament Gengjie poet, although he lived in the mountains, the four seas, poor and needy, but always do not to the power of the rich and powerful, refused to Wang Jian's political solicitation and the temptation of fame and fortune.
Explanation: <Shu> temperament and integrity.
23, manipulate the table sentence: In today's world, television games are often seen as one of the causes of juvenile violence. Interestingly, the first home game console also included a light rifle as one of its optional peripherals.
Explanation: a workbench equipped with meters, switching circuits, or other mechanisms that control the operation of a machine or electrical device.
24, will manipulate the sentence: "Sesame Street" in the soft, fluffy residents will soon manipulate the Indian language, Indian children to tell local stories.
Explanation: It means to meet for a drill.
25, soft gymnastics sentence: He has been strict with Cheng Fei since she was a child. When Cheng Fei was in elementary school, he even forced her to practice soft gymnastics every morning before going to school.
Explanation: A variety of unarmed gymnastics to make the body soft and flexible.
26, medical gymnastics sentence: Ancient Chinese guiding techniques inspired Sweden Ringer to create medical gymnastics, the study of this viewpoint from abroad to the country so far in our country is almost a blank.
Explanation: One of the important methods of medical sports. There are unarmed gymnastics and exercise with the help of special equipment to promote the healing of disease and the recovery of the function of human activity.
27, manipulate the canonical sentence: officers are proud of this American style of war, which emphasizes autonomous judgment when the battlefield situation is unclear, rather than obedience and manipulation of the canonical.
Explanation: books that set out the essentials and principles of military operations, such as the infantry drill code, cavalry drill code, and so on.
28、稳操胜券造句:The result puts Karzai over the 50 percent mark, which would have ensured him a solid victory without the need for a final round of voting. But the election commission discarded the results from 600 polling places where vote rigging was suspected.
Allusion: steady: sure; manipulate: master; winning ticket: a plan to win.
Allusion: steady: sure; manipulate: master; victory: stratagem that can win.
29, manipulate too quickly sentence: Given that I got through the adaptation period very well, I decided to try some new challenges to assess my limits. Considering I've only been trying to get polyphasic sleep for a week, it felt a bit rushed.
Alliteration: fuck: to do, to engage in. To be too hasty in dealing with things, in solving problems.
30、同室操戈造句: The result of this homoerotic massacre is that Al Qaeda has now lost the fatal attraction it once had for anti-imperialists.
Allusion:同室:一家,指自己人;操:拿起;戈:古代的兵器。 The family members use swords and spears. The first is a fight between two brothers.
31, maneuver freely sentence: I like this airplane, and in a short time I can maneuver freely.
Allusion: to master the use of or to drive with ease and without hindrance.
A list of words for the word fuck The word fuck How to form the word fuck How to form the word fuck The polyphonic word for fuck The word fuck
The word rope fuck, the autumn fuck, the upper fuck, the clear fuck, the fun fuck, the ball fuck, the qin fuck, the riding fuck, the curved fuck, the end fuck, the virtue fuck, the solo fuck, the main fuck, the out fuck, the chu fuck, the rushing fuck, the into fuck, the fuck lead, the intermediate fuck, the practicing fuck, the conduct, the fuck, the fuck fuck fuck, the fuck fuck fuck, the break, the fuck fuck fuck, the fuck fuck fuck fuck, the fuck fuck fuck fuck, the fuck fuck fuck fuck. The following are a few of the most important things that you can do to make your life easier: to make your life easier, to make your life easier, to make your life easier, to make your life easier, to make your life easier, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life easier, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life easier, to make your life easier, to make your life easier, to make your life easier, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, to make your life better, Fuck pen, fuck martyrdom, fuck canon, frost fuck, fuck bomb, fuck system, hold fuck, this fuck, Bing fuck, ice fuck, hidden fuck, different fuck, British fuck, phantom fuck, far fuck, read fuck, Zhi fuck, to fuck, executive fuck, middle fuck, posture fuck, elegant fuck, foreign fuck, foster fuck, wild fuck, a fuck, legacy fuck, no fuck, dance fuck, Xian fuck, common fuck, quite fuck, water fuck, special fuck, body fuck, fuck go, fuck bad, fuck, fuck, fuck fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, cut, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Fuck cut, fuck heart, fuck lash, fuck Han, fuck amount, Shi fuck, endowment fuck, soldier fuck, stick fuck, cypress fuck, class fuck, guard fuck, Jie fuck, firm fuck, festival fuck, present fuck, constant fuck, old fuck, meeting fuck, check fuck, crane fuck, Hong fuck, track fuck, orphan fuck, ancient fuck, wind fuck, change fuck, stroke fuck, high fuck, belt fuck, big fuck, city fuck, constant fuck, fuck Aman, fuck fuck fuck, square fuck, fuck check, fuck time, fuck deposit, poor fuck, fuck Zai, fuck clothing, fuck toui, fuck toui, fuck to get, Fuck right, fuck anger, fuck handle, fuck total, fuck boat, fuck arc, fuck string, fuck industry, fuck degree, fuck do, fuck odd, fuck slightly, fuck field, fuck fulfillment, fuck tune, fuck performance, fuck drum, fuck smooth, fuck trespassing, fuck festival, disk fuck, inner fuck, end fuck, wonderful fuck, tend to fuck, love fuck, circle fuck, cheap fuck, martyrdom fuck, strict fuck, bitter fuck, inspirational fuck, army fuck, bureau fuck, power fuck, clean fuck, will return to fuck, qishan fuck, fuck jinqi, fuck the left coupon, the operating table, Workplace Gymnastics, Fitness Gymnastics, Production Gymnastics, Divine Phoenix Gymnastics, Bing Style Gymnastics, Pine Wind Gymnastics, Beihe Gymnastics, Health Gymnastics, King Wen Gymnastics, Drunken Master Gymnastics, Gymnastics Clothing, Interlace Gymnastics, Bakgong Gymnastics, Narcissus Gymnastics, Sisi Gymnastics, Fisherman's Yang Gymnastics, Group Gymnastics, Weizi Gymnastics, Gymnastics Right Coupon, Leung Mountain Gymnastics, Detaining the Pylorus Gymnastics, Keshang Gymnastics, Ceremony Frost Gymnastics, Cai Zhi Gymnastics, Room Gymnastics, Behind-the-Scenes Gymnastics, Pro Gymnastics Jingju, Athletic Gymnastics, Jingju Gymnastics, Jingju Pro Gymnastics, Weight Loss Gymnastics Home, armor, Isuzu, stormy playgrounds, the band of the body of the exercise, exercise the body of the world, exercise the strange plan to win, exercise the rubbing and grinding, exercise the axe to cut the ke, exercise the over cut, manipulation, manipulation of free, manipulation of appropriate, manipulation of like, manipulation of John, manipulation of the knife to make brocade, manipulation of the performance of a tarnish-free, medical gymnastics, art of gymnastics, re-experiencing the old business, manipulation of the win to achieve the strange, manipulation of the cut to engage in, must be manipulation of the win, manipulation of the over-furrowed, eye exercises, free gymnastics, self manipulation of the wells and mortars, make brocade to make the sword The operating system, the operation of the spear into the house, take hold of the goblet, Lu Wu Cao Mang, the rate of goblet, can be manipulated, make catty manipulation axe, such as manipulation of the left coupon, dyeing Han manipulation of the paper, light equipment gymnastics, manipulation of the coupon, time-sharing operating system, real-time operating system