The cost of medication needed for a gastroscopy is covered by medical insurance, but the anesthesia required for a painless gastroscopy is partially covered by out-of-pocket expenses, and can be reimbursed at about 500 yuan or less. Gastroscopy is generally not included in the medical insurance coverage, so this is required to pay out-of-pocket, in the tertiary hospitals to do the examination is possible, it is recommended that after the examination with a prescription to the township health center to get drugs, is part of the reimbursement.
Medicare can not reimburse the project:
The first category is the service category: registration fee, out-of-hospital consultation fee, medical record cost, etc.; visit fee, examination and treatment of expedited fee, named surgery surcharge, named surgery surcharge, quality premium fee, self-requested special nurses and other special medical services.
The second category is the non-disease treatment program category: a variety of beauty, fitness programs and non-functional cosmetic surgery, orthopedic surgery, etc.; a variety of weight loss, weight gain, height projects; a variety of health body reimbursement; a variety of preventive, health care clinic programs; a variety of medical consultation, medical appraisal.
The third category is diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and medically useful materials: the application of positron emission tomography (PET), electron beam CT, ophthalmic excimer laser treatment device and other large-scale medical equipment for examination and treatment programs. Eyeglasses, denture, eye prosthesis, prosthetic limbs, hearing aids and other rehabilitative devices. A variety of self-use health care, massage good macro line, inspection and treatment equipment. Provincial price departments do not charge a separate disposable medical materials.
The fourth category is the category of therapeutic projects: all types of organ or tissue transplantation of organ source or tissue source; in addition to kidney, heart valve, cornea, skin, blood vessels, bone, bone marrow transplantation, other organs or tissue transplantation; myopic orthopedics; qigong therapy, music therapy, health care nutritional therapy, magnetic therapy and other complementary therapeutic projects.
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