What is a medical image management system?

Medical image management system PACS (Picture Archiving and Comuniations Systems), or IMACS, image storage and transmission system, is an information system used in hospitals to manage medical images produced by medical equipment such as CT, MR, etc. PACS system consists of three parts:

1, Database Server SubSystem: Used to manage images.

Medical image diagnosis plays a significant role in modern medical activities. With the continuous development of visualization technology, modern medicine has become more and more inseparable from the medical image information, in clinical diagnosis, medical research and other aspects is playing an extremely important role. Medical image information is diversified, such as ultrasound scanning images, color Doppler ultrasound images, nuclear magnetic *** vibration (MRI) images, X-CT images, X-ray fluoroscopy images, a variety of electronic endoscopic images, microscopic images of pathological sections. With the deep development of medical diagnostic visualization technology, people are making continuous efforts to seek for clearer and more diagnostic value of high quality medical images. Chinese hospitals have introduced a large number of imported advanced medical image equipment in the past decade or so, which has played an important and positive role in improving the diagnostic level and strengthening the management of hospital grades. Due to the financial problems and the level of instrument design, most of the medical imaging equipment does not consider the image storage and transmission functions, at best, the configuration of a printer or X-ray film for image recording. The doctor's diagnosis is made by visual observation of the image on the screen of the instrument, analyzing and diagnosing based on personal experience, with more subjective components.

With the rapid development of electronic computer technology, especially multimedia technology, so that the storage and transmission of medical images possible, large-capacity hard disk, image information compression technology, read-write CD-ROM applications, so that medical images can be stored in large quantities. DICOM3.0 standard development so that the medical image and a variety of digital information in the transmission of computers have a unified standard, through the data interface with the Internet. The data interface with the Internet, you can carry out the remote transmission of medical image information, to achieve off-site consultation. PACS is an important condition for the realization of medical image information management, it is the medical image from the acquisition, display, storage, exchange and output digital processing, and finally realize the image of the storage and transmission.

In addition, through the computerized intelligent processing of medical images and information, image diagnosis can be made to abandon the traditional visual observation and subjective judgment. With the help of computer technology, the pixel points of the image can be analyzed, calculated, processed, and relevant and complete data can be derived, providing more objective information for medical diagnosis. The latest computer technology can not only provide morphological images, but also functional images, so that the medical image diagnosis technology goes to a deeper level.

2. File Server SubSystem : Used to store images.

Mass storage devices are divided into the following four categories: magnetic media, optical media, magnetic tape and other (such as holographic storage) are still under development. Disk capacity is growing by leaps and bounds, and the way of the future is terabyte-class desktop disks, with prices dropping to 3 cents/MB by the year 2000. among optical storage devices, DVDs are the current hot spot, but their impact is nowhere near as great as that of CD-ROM technology was back in the day. dvd is currently used as a backup medium, but it is still deficient as a storage medium, and rewritable dvd's are not yet mature. New advances in magnetic tape include multitrack recording, magnetoresistive heads, and new formats that allow random access. Magnetic tapes are attractively priced, but they cannot be protected from moisture or from proximity to magnetic fields, and the requirements for storage locations are more stringent.

Backup (archiving) is a dynamic process that must take into account changes in technology, and the archiving strategy must take this into account. For example, it is not cost-effective for an organization to have a 7-year archive capacity of 11TB and therefore purchase 11TB of storage media now, but the price of storage media will fall in the future and technology will change.

Database performance, reliability, and capacity are directly related to the performance of a PACS system.Every flow of images in a PACS system is related to the database, but database technology for PACS has been neglected. This will change when PACS is integrated into MIS systems. The development of high availability technologies will become increasingly important as users become more dependent on PACS.

3, DICOM SubSystem: through the DICOM protocol and check the equipment connected to the operation.
