Is Doomsday Infestation 2 in theaters yet?
In theaters. Doomsday Infestation 2 Movie online by Twisted Movie Collection on the web, film by Neil Marshall, starring Rona Maitra, Bob Hoskins, Alexandra Hiddig, Adrian Lester, Sean Pertwee, was released in 2008 for broadcast. Doomsday Infestation 2 hits theaters in Glasgow, Scotland, 2010. An unknown, horrific virus runs rampant, infecting people with herpes all over their bodies, festering and pus-filled, and ultimately dying an agonizing death from the ordeal. Due to the lack of medical equipment and vaccines, the death toll is in the thousands in just one week. In an attempt to contain the spread of the virus, the British government placed a complete blockade on Scotland in an attempt to isolate the virus completely. After this, the rest of the planet was left in peace for nearly three decades, but sometime in 2035, the deadly virus broke out again in London, England.