Laboratory integrated wastewater treatment equipment quotes?

Laboratory integrated wastewater treatment equipment quotes are probably in the range of ten or twenty thousand dollars per unit, and the expensive ones are tens of thousands of dollars. Different application scenarios of sewage treatment equipment, the price is not the same. In terms of application scenarios, the hospital whole hospital sewage treatment, CDC, blood station center sewage, school life sewage, airport life sewage, rural life sewage in townships and villages, scenic area life sewage, highway service area life sewage.

Reference can be drawn from the "water source" water purifier parameters for selection:

Laboratory integrated wastewater treatment equipment using MBBR (IFAS) process, the latter part of the treatment of the use of slopes folding sedimentation and high-efficiency chlorine dioxide disinfection device, the equipment contains temperature-controlled measures, the quality of the treated water to meet the "standard for the discharge of water pollutants in medical institutions", the water quality can be achieved. Emission Standards for Water Pollutants in Medical Institutions" (GB18466-2005), "Pollutant Emission Standards for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants" (GB18918-2002), "Environmental Standards for Surface Water Quality" (GB3838-2002) landmark Ⅳ emission standards. You can go on Baidu to see.