Simply tell you why the registration of the company has to be first name verification

Company name verification before company registration.

One, the renaming factor

Since the same area with the industry, there can only be one company name, so in order to avoid renaming with other companies, so we have to check the name first, to see if it is renamed with other companies, and in recent years more and more companies are registered, the duplication of the newly registered company name is also getting higher and higher, their own name for the company name, name pass rate is getting lower and lower.

Two, the name specification factors

Company name is not as simple as a person's name, for the company's name has a lot of norms, must comply with, otherwise you can not register the company, some of the common problems, the need to comply with the norms

1, the company name can not contain numbers, English

2, can not be used in the region abbreviation for the company's name

3, can not The use of industry common words

4, can not be confused with well-known companies

Enterprise two brother to help you solve the company name, company registration related issues, WeChat attention to the public number enterprise two brother.