Ukraine has a well-developed military industry, so why doesn't Ukraine, go and develop a military powerhouse, and

Market? There is no market to develop anything useless

Ukraine wants to sell can not be sold

Ukraine took the initiative to stop the cooperation, but they are the most injured

May 14, 2019, the Ukrainian side said that due to the Ukrainian initiative to stop the comprehensive military technology cooperation with Russia, the Ukrainian side has suffered a heavy loss, and Russia was able to independently establish some new in the field of military industrial system production sectors to fill the Ukrainian military-industrial production.

It is reported that at the present time with the election of the new President of Ukraine, the Ukrainian authorities still prohibit the supply of Ukrainian production of military products to Russia, the Russian military industry has carried out a successful alternative imports. The Ukrainian side believes that if Ukraine stops supplying parts, such as helicopter engines produced by the Ukrainian company Madar Sic, this will kill the entire Russian industry, but the Russian military industry managed to make its own domestic helicopter engines in as short a time as possible, which has led to the start of a large number of domestically produced weapons, parts engine production, and other production, which further stimulates the Russian military industry's independence.

Russian Navy launched a few years late but found alternatives

In addition, Ukraine refused to supply power, power generation equipment for the Russian Navy's warships. In the eyes of the Ukrainian hierarchy, this should "destroy all the construction of the Russian naval fleet, the Russian naval ships without Ukrainian gas turbines, diesel engines lost power!

Ukraine can't survive without Russian orders

But the construction of Russian naval ships has been delayed for several years, but it did not affect the final result: Russia has managed to find similar gas turbines, diesel alternatives imported from abroad, and all the ships will still be built. In addition, the former Ukrainian Minister of Economy clarified that the Russian military industry made great efforts to compensate for the loss of the Ukrainian market, but still succeeded. But Ukraine has never been able to find a new market for military products that were originally exported to Russia, because no one in the West, including NATO and the United States, needs helicopter engines produced in Ukraine.

Ukrainian firm Motor Sich produces helicopter engines, which had a 50 percent share of the Russian market in 2009.

Ukrainian firm Motor Sich and Russian helicopter company OJSC signed a $1.5 billion, five-year contract in November 2011 that reportedly will see a Zaporozhye-based company affiliated with Ukrainian Motor Sich supply Russia with up to 270 engines for Ka-31, Ka-32 and Mi-17 helicopters, and even the Mi-8 MTV, Mi-24, and Mi-28. but in 2014, Ukraine took it upon itself to impose a total ban on any technical cooperation with the Russian military-industrial complex.

TV3-117 helicopter engines

Including dual-use products produced by the Ukrainian company Madar Sikh were also banned, including a variety of equipment such as TV3-117 helicopter engines, VK-2500 helicopters and AI-9V auxiliary power units. By 2014, the net income of the Ukrainian Motor-Sych enterprise had fallen to $685.0 million from $1.07 billion in 2013, a figure that fell to $576 million in 2015 and collapsed again to $387.9 million in 2016. Although Ukrainian Madar-Sich enterprises also have a few orders from their own countries and access to our market, which saves the business to a certain extent, there is too little cooperation with us to reach the peaks that appeared when we cooperated with Russia.

Russia's localization process accelerates

As for Russia, as far as the current situation in the Russian military industry is concerned, the program of substitution of imports for local production began to work more actively. In September 2018, Yuri Borisov, Russia's deputy prime minister in charge of military industry, said that Russia had completely replaced military equipment components purchased from Ukraine with domestically produced equipment. In turn, Russian Defense Minister Shoigu said that the share of domestically produced weapons in the products of the Russian defense industry quadrupled in five years. According to him, this is thanks to breakthrough technological developments and introductions.

Ukraine originally hoped to influence the war in turn, but smashed their own

With the war between Ukraine and Russia continues in East Ukraine, Ukraine had thought to impose a blockade on the Russian military industry to influence the war, but the Ukrainian military industry for the Russian army has been indifferent to the Russian army, the Russian army helicopters, warships and did not because of the lack of Ukrainian power to give up the construction of the Russian army, but gritted its teeth to solve the problem of the Power domestic.