What is the role of gas storage tank ah?

The role of gas storage tank is to store and store and transport gas.

Air compressor is one of the important large-scale fixed power equipment in coal mine, which is widely used in underground and on the ground, mainly supplying air picks, air drills and rock drills in the mining face.

Air storage tank is the supporting equipment of the air compressor, installed in the outdoor, air into the compressor through the pressurization of the air storage tank, and then by the storage tank pipeline for each place of use, the main role of the storage tank in the air compression system is to ensure the stability of the air supply.

Compressed air in the tank to precipitate water, regulating pneumatic equipment due to imbalance in the amount of air caused by fluctuations in air pressure, increase the pressure stability of air-using equipment, or to reserve a portion of the compressed air in the case of air compressor failure, so that the user with this part of the compressed air on the pneumatic equipment or pneumatic control system for emergency processing purposes.

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Structure of the tank:

Design and construction of the tank's main load is the pressure of the internal gas, the wind load and seismic effects. In the wind load should be considered wind vibration coefficient. High-pressure spherical tank wind load body type coefficient can generally be taken as 0.30 ~ 0.35.

Horizontal seismic effects of wet tanks include the seismic force generated by the self-weight of the tank and each tower section, as well as the water in the tank due to vibration of the dynamic water pressure. The horizontal seismic action of the dry tank includes the seismic force generated by the weight of the cylinder and the weight of the piston. Calculation of snow loads to take into account the eccentric moment caused by the localized accumulation of snow on the roof of the tank.

In the various loads and internal pressure, the tank shell wall plate and roof plate according to the thin shell structure without moment theory to analyze its internal force. Low-pressure gas storage tank wall and top plate thickness is generally not determined by the strength, but by the construction and corrosion requirements. The guide column frame of the gas storage tank is subject to wind and horizontal seismic forces on the tower section transmitted by the guide wheel, and the guide wheel pressure can be decomposed into various planes according to the plane truss analysis method to find out the internal force of its rods.

Spiral guide rail type gas storage tank tower section on the inner column, upper and lower circle plate and guide rail constitute the space frame, bear the guide wheel from the wind load and seismic force of the horizontal component. Dry gas storage tank cylinder in the wind load, horizontal seismic force and internal pressure to be calculated under the action of its local and overall stability. Spherical tank tensile strength under internal pressure, but its stability is poor under negative pressure, so the minimum operating pressure needs to be specified to ensure that in the temperature drop and the internal pressure drops with the negative pressure does not occur.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Gas Storage Tank

Baidu Encyclopedia - Gas Storage Tank Structure