What is the phone number of Shandong Lishante Intelligent Technology Co.

Shandong Lishante Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd contact information: the company phone number 0633-7967158, 公司邮箱1306234451@qq.com, the company has 4 contact information in the love enterprise search ***, which has a phone number 2.

Company Profile:

Shandong Lishante Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established on 2018-04-11 in Rizhao City, Shandong Province, Donggang District, the registered address is located in Rizhao City, Shandong Province, Donggang District, north of the Linsteel Road, the park all the way to the west.

Shandong Lishante Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. legal representative Wu Xiujiang, registered capital of 90 million (yuan), is currently in the state of opening.

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