The main products EasyTREK economic ultrasonic level transmitter, EchoTREK ultrasonic liquid / level meter, MicroTREK H guided wave radar, PiloTREK trumpet radar, NIVOFLOAT float switches, NIVOSWITCH tuning fork switches, NIVOCONTR vibrating rod switches, NIVOROTA rotary switches, NIVOCAP capacitive switches, NIVOCAP capacitive switches, and so on. NIVOFLOAT float switches, NIVOSWITCH tuning fork switches, NIVOCONTR vibrating rod switches, NIVOROTA rotary switches, NIVOCAP capacitance switches, NIVOPRESSNP capacitance switches, NIVOPOINT magnetic float multipoint level switches, etc.
Applications Nivelco's ultrasonic level meter is an excellent liquid level measurement tool. Widely used in tanks, pools, reservoirs level and volume measurement, can also be used for open channel flow measurement. In practice, many interfaces are inaccessible, e.g., corrosive to the products of the measuring device (acids, alkalis), contaminated to the measuring device (sewers), or substances that produce adhesives on the measuring device (adhesives). Since EchoTREK ultrasonic level measurement technology is based on the non-contact ultrasonic principle it is suitable for liquids and level positions that cannot be physically contacted. Suitable for industrial agents including hydrochloric acid, hydroxide, waste water, resin glue, wax, lye and bleach.
Foreign brands are usually distributors, agents are rare.