1. Open Microsoft Excel: open Microsoft Excel, click the "File" menu, and then click "New! "option, in the pop-up" New "dialog box, select" blank document "to create a new Excel file.
2. Set the form style: You can use Excel's style tools to set the form style, such as setting the table border, table fonts, table background and so on.
3. Add the header: add the header is an important part of the quotation form, you can add the header in the first line of the form, the header generally includes the title of the quotation form, product name, price and other information.
4. Add form content: in the form of the second line to start adding form content, form content generally includes product name, price and other information.
5. Add formulas: You can use Excel's formula tool to add formulas, such as calculating the total price, discounts and other formulas.
6. Save the file: Click the "File" menu, and then click the "Save" option, in the pop-up "Save" dialog box, enter the file name, you can save the Excel file.
The above is the use of Microsoft Excel to create a quote form the specific steps, I hope to help you.