ASUS M2A-VM ¥499
ASUS M2N-X ¥499
Elite 761GX-M754( V3.0A) ¥349
Elite P4M890T-M (V2.0) ¥379
Elite 945GCT-M ¥399
Elite 945GZT-M ¥399
Elite P4M800PRO-M (V2.0) ¥399
Elite GeForce6100SM-M ¥399
Dual-Min UC61VMS-M2 ¥378
Dual-Min UP945GCM-X ¥379
Dual-Min UP945GZM-X ¥379
Dual-Min UC61VM-M2 PRO V2 ¥389
Dual-Min UNF5AX ¥389
Dual-Min UNF5A ¥389
GIGABYTE 8I865GME-775-RH ¥499
AMD Flashdragon 3000+ AM2 (Disk) ¥255
This is the first time that I've seen a Gigabyte with a Gigabyte. 255
AMD Athlon64 3000+ AM2(bulk) ¥270
AMD Flashdragon 3000+ AM2(box) ¥280
AMD Flashdragon 3200+ AM2(bulk) ¥285
AMD Flashdragon 3400+ AM2(bulk) ¥290
AMD Flashdragon 3200+ AM2(Box) ¥295
AMD Athlon64 3200+ AM2(Dispersed) ¥300
AMD Flash Dragon 3500+ AM2(Dispersed) ¥300
AMD Flash Dragon 3600+ AM2(Dispersed) ¥310
AMD Flash Dragon 3400+ AM2(Box) ¥315<
AMD Athlon64 3200+ AM2 (Disk) ¥330
AMD Athlon64 3200+ AM2 (Box) ¥340
AMD Athlon64 3500+ AM2 (Disk) ¥345
AMD Athlon64 LE-1250 (Disk) ¥360
AMD Flash Dragon LE-1300(loose) ¥375
AMD Athlon64 X2 3600+AM2(65 ¥405
AMD Athlon64 X2 3800+AM2(90 ¥435
AMD Athlon64 X2 4000+AM2(65 ¥475
The Pentium 4.4Gbps is a new generation of Intel? Core? processors. Intel Pentium 4 2.4BGHz(Socket47 ¥310
Intel Pentium 4 2.8BGHz(478pin/51 ¥410
Intel Pentium 4 506 2.66GHz(Socket) ¥340
Intel Pentium E 2140(Socket) ¥445
In comparison, AMD is cheaper.
Kingston 1GB DDR2 667 ¥ 190
Kingston 1GB DDR2 800 ¥ 350
Kingston 512MB DDR400 ¥ 220
Kingston 2GB DDR2 667 ¥ 780
Kingston 512MB DDR2 667 ¥110
Kingston 512MB DDR2 800 ¥290
Apacer 256MB DDR 400 (Classic Series) ¥115
Apacer 512MB DDR2 667 (Classic Series) ¥115
Apacer 512MB DDR2 800 (Panther II) ¥120
Apacer 1GB DDR2 667 (Panther II) ¥200
Apacer 1GB DDR2 667 (Classic Series) ¥205
Apacer 1GB DDR2 800 (Classic Series) ¥230
Apacer 1GB DDR 400 (Classic Series) ¥390
Hard Disk:
Seagate 80G 7200.9 2M (Parallel/5 Years Box ¥430
Seagate 80G 7200.10 8M (Serial/Scatter ¥430
Seagate 160G 7200.9 2M (Parallel/Scatter ¥495
Seagate 160G 7200.10 8M (Parallel/5 ¥510<
Seagate 250G 7200.10 8M(parallel/bulk) ¥620
WD Caviar JB 80G 7200rpm 8M(parallel ¥395
WD Caviar JD 80G 7200rpm 8M(serial ¥400
WD Caviar 1600JS 7200rpm 8M(serial ¥445
WD Caviar JB 200G 7200 RPM 8M ¥510
Graphics cards:
Seven Rainbow Skywalk 7300LE-GD2CF Platinum Edition ¥369
Seven Rainbow LaserWind X1550 CF Gold Edition 12 ¥369
Seven Rainbow Skywalk 7200GS Cyber Cafe Express PC ¥369
Seven Rainbow Radiator 2400PRO-GD2 CF Gold ¥399
Seven Rainbow Yicai 8400GS-GD2 CF Gold ¥449
Intel 7200GS God of War Edition ¥269
Intel G7300GE-TC256 God of War Edition ¥349
Intel RX1550 God of War Edition HM256GD2 ¥399
MSI 7100GS Combat Edition (NX7100GS51 ¥339
MSI Asura RX1550-TD128E ¥399
ASUS EN6200LE TC256/TD/64M ¥199
ASUS EN7200GS/HTD. 128M ¥299
ASUS EN7300TC512/TD/128M ¥365
ASUS EN7200GS/HTD/256M ¥365
Onda 7200GS Value Edition ¥299
Onda HD 2400PRO 256MB DDR2 ¥369
Ontario 7300GT ¥399
Ontario 8400GE Value Edition ¥399
Small ShadowBlaster GS2 ¥269
Small ShadowBlaster GS2+ ¥299
Small ShadowBlaster AT2 Pro ¥299
Small ShadowBlaster AT1 ¥299
Small ShadowBlaster GS4 ¥349
Small ShadowBlaster GT3 ¥369
Small ShadowBlaster AT3 ¥399
Small ShadowBlaster G7300GT-T (0.08 micron) ¥399
The ones that I've shown you are the good ones, and of course, there are some good ones too. These are appropriately priced. In fact, if you're not playing a game that requires high image quality or graphics, it's recommended that you use a motherboard with integrated graphics, and 4 or 5 hundred dollars will do. It can be upgraded later.
Oh, by the way, the ones I showed you are the latest offers.