I want to do network cabling, there are about 400 machines, I should how to set up servers, how to cabling, what equipment ah ~ ~ urgent ah ~~~~

The wiring is like a telephone line. Generally there is a telephone place. The first thing that you need to do is to get a network interface.

Switch Generally according to 20 computers a switch. To 20 units. There is a main switch. Between the fiber optic connection. Then count on the optical transceiver.

Originally, I thought it would be easier to use wireless. But some of the hospital equipment is very sophisticated. I'm afraid there will be interference.

Server 1 condition and then 1 hardware firewall 20 or so switches. 10 or so optical transceiver. Look at the floor. One for each floor is about right. I'm counting on 2 switches a floor.

Network cable. Every room should have it. Just in case there isn't enough later.

There's always a UPS room

That's pretty much it. Specifically you find a vendor that does network equipment. There will be a list soon