Small reflow soldering to see what kind of products you use to do, or small reflow soldering what kind of expectations, we have a variety of small reflow soldering for you to choose from, if you do simple products, low-level S or ES series reflow soldering from 3 to 8 zones for you to choose from, if you have higher requirements can be used in the MCR series with 4-6 zones for small machines If you do research and development of the samples, temperature uniformity, you can also consider the RS series of small R & D type reflow soldering, single-board mode can reach 0.5 degrees of temperature difference between the horizontal PCB can reach the imported large-scale reflow soldering equipment. If you do sample research and development, the temperature uniformity is very high, you can also consider the RS series of small R & D type reflow soldering, single-board mode can be achieved horizontal PCB temperature difference of 0.5 degrees, you can reach the imported large reflow soldering effect!