Machine cutting, non-cutting processing, casting
Surface treatment, electroplating, electrophoresis
Medical equipment, the electronics industry, the production of circuit boards, electronic chip manufacturing
Chemical industry, papermaking, the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry
Aluminum, aluminum, tempered glass, coated glass production
Aluminum profiles, aluminum alloys, tempered glass, coated glass production
Ultrasonic cleaning, jewelry processing
Leather, fur processing, ink production
Breeding industry and other industries.
From the above chiller application industry we can see that the chiller industry applications are very broad, specific nudge should be involved in various industries, the short-term market space should also be okay. Personally feel that the prospects of the chiller industry is still good, because now is a mechanized era, all walks of life will be applied to the machine, there should be a machine should need to use the chiller, so I feel that the prospects should be good!