Tasks and requirements of ICU

The monitoring and treatment of critical illness is a clinical discipline that has emerged in recent years, with the aim of providing technical and high-quality medical services for patients with life-threatening acute critical illnesses, i.e., monitoring physiological functions, life support, prevention and treatment of complications, and facilitating and accelerating the recovery process of the patients with critical illnesses, which is a higher level of medical service after the resuscitation, and is the inevitable trend of the modernization of society and the development of medical science. This is a higher level of medical service after resuscitation, which is the inevitable trend of social modernization and medical science development. In recent years, with the continuous progress of high and new technology, a variety of testing and support equipment is widely used in clinical practice, the popularization and standardization of ICU wards, and people's understanding of the physiological functions of life has been gradually perfected, thus improving the support and protection of failing organs, and improving the success rate of resuscitation of critically ill patients, and many critically ill patients have passed the most difficult moments of their lives with close monitoring and careful treatment and are gradually moving towards recovery. Many critically ill patients have passed through the most difficult moments of their lives under close supervision and careful treatment, and are gradually on their way to recovery. At the same time, it also drives and promotes the progress and development of other clinical disciplines.

The basic technical requirements of ICU physicians should include the following aspects: the ability of cardiopulmonary resuscitation; respiratory support (endotracheal intubation, mechanical ventilation, etc.); continuous electrocardiographic monitoring; the ability to recognize and deal with cardiac arrhythmia and invasive hemodynamic monitoring; the ability to do emergency cardiac pacing; the ability to make a rapid response to a variety of laboratory results and give immediate feedback; the ability to support the function of multiple stolen organs; the ability to make a rapid response to a variety of laboratory results and give immediate feedback; the ability to support the function of multiple stolen organs. The ability to support the function of the booty; the ability to perform total parenteral nutrition; the ability to microinfusion; the ability to master a variety of monitoring techniques, as well as a variety of operating techniques; the ability to transport the patient in the process of life support (oxygen, ventilator, cardiac monitoring ability); the ability to emergency treatment of various medical specialties diseases.

The Chinese translation of the ICU is not yet uniform, the mainland is generally translated as "custody ward" or "intensive care unit", while in Hong Kong is translated as "intensive care unit In Hong Kong, it is translated as "Intensive Care Ward". From the original text, the word "Intensive" seems to have no doubt, but the meaning of "Care" can be scrutinized, which includes the two meanings of "nursing" and "treatment". "Care" with modern conceptual interpretation may be translated as "guardianship". Therefore, some people think that ICU is more accurate to be translated as "intensive care and treatment ward". As a matter of fact, ICU is also characterized by the implementation of extensive and close monitoring of physiological functions, and judgment and treatment accordingly. Regardless of how it is named, the basic purpose of the ICU is to provide higher quality care for critically ill patients. Since ICU is engaged in the most dynamic and at the forefront of medical development of critical care medicine, it has a great pioneering potential, and is able to push forward from theory to clinic and do many things that are difficult to do in ordinary wards. On the other hand, however, no matter how "special" ICU is, it is after all based on medical development, and the meaning of "strengthening" is actually just to condense the existing methods and means, so it is not possible to go beyond the development of the times to do things that medicine has not been able to do so far. Fully understand this point can regulate the behavior of the ICU, but also to relieve some people's doubts and misunderstandings.

ICU is the abbreviation of English Intensive Care Unit, meaning Intensive Care Unit. Intensive medical care is with the development of medical and nursing profession, the birth of new medical equipment and the improvement of the hospital management system and the emergence of a set of modern medical care technology as one of the forms of medical organization and management. Small and medium-sized hospitals are a ward, and large hospitals are a special department, where critically ill patients are centralized and given the best protection in terms of manpower, material resources and technology with a view to obtaining good treatment results.

ICU has a history of more than 30 years in the world, has become a hospital center for the rescue of critically ill patients. the level of supervision of the ICU, whether the equipment is advanced, has become an important symbol to measure the level of a hospital. China's ICU started late, began in the early 80's, at present domestic hospitals with ICU is not common, but has been paid attention to, it is estimated that the development is very fast. ICU is divided into comprehensive and ICU specialized ICU (such as burns ICU, cardiovascular surgery ICU, neonatal ICU, etc.) CCU is a kind of specialized ICU, the first C is the abbreviation of coronary heart disease, it is a kind of specialized ICU, and the first C is the abbreviation of coronary heart disease. disease is the abbreviation of coronary heart disease, is specialized in severe coronary heart disease and set up.

The ICU has a central monitoring station that directly observes all monitored beds. Each bed occupies a wide area, and the beds are separated by glass or cloth curtains. ICU is mainly admitted to: ① severe trauma, major surgery and must be continuous close monitoring of vital indicators and supporters; ② the need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation; ③ an organ (including the heart, brain, lungs, liver, kidneys) failure or multi-organ failure; ④ severe shock, sepsis, and toxicity of the patient; ⑤ before and after the transplantation of organs need to monitor and strengthen the treatment of the person. Those who need to be monitored and strengthened before and after organ transplantation. After the condition improves, they are transferred back to the general ward. ICU equipment must be equipped with bedside monitors, central monitors, multifunctional respiratory therapy machines, anesthesia machines, electrocardiographs, defibrillators, pacemakers, infusion pumps, micro-injectors, tracheal intubation and tracheotomy required first aid equipment. In hospitals with better conditions, they are also equipped with blood gas analyzers, microelectronic computers, electroencephalographs, ultrasound machines, bedside wire transfer machines, hemodialyzers, intra-arterial balloon counterpulsators, blood and urine analyzers, blood biochemistry analyzers, and so on. Since ICU is under modern medical equipment for the supervision and treatment of patients with quite critical conditions, the personnel working in ICU must have solid theoretical knowledge of medical fundamentals, rich clinical experience, strong adaptability, and be able to master the operation of complex instruments.

The ICU can provide early and accurate diagnosis, emergency and appropriate treatment for critically ill patients. Therefore, ICU ward is undoubtedly an excellent battlefield to defeat death for critically ill patients struggling on the death line.


Nursing Management in ICU Sun Hong

Critical Care Nursing provides continuous and intensive nursing care and measures for the patient to restore stability and prevent complications, in order to maintain the patient's optimal health.

I. ICU Nursing Staffing:

1. ICU beds and staff should be equipped according to the size, nature and mission of the hospital.

ICU nursing operations and work most than the general ward to be much heavier and tense, in order to make each patient 24 hours a nurse care, and can allow nurses to have legal days off, vacation and sick leave, maternity leave, etc., it is necessary to be in each bed in the 3 to 4 nurses.

Now many domestic hospitals are difficult to meet this standard, the relevant departments have no specific provisions of the ICU nurse staffing. I believe that at least at present should be achieved in the comprehensive ICU ratio of patients and nurses for 1:2 ~ 3, specialized ICU ratio of 1:1 ~ 2. Only in the premise of ensuring sufficient nurse staffing to ensure the quality of care in the ICU.

2. It should include nursing staff at different levels, and the responsibilities of nursing staff at all levels should be clear.

2, ICU nurses quality requirements:

ICU nurses should have a good physical quality, can bear hardships and stand hard work, caring for the injured and sick people with a strong point of view, honest and trustworthy, careful and patient, insightful, adaptable, receptive, and to have a solid expertise in allied professional knowledge and related knowledge.

Three, ICU nurse training:

ICU nurses should be professionals with nursing license, now there is no ICU nurse training centers and ICU nurse professional certificate, in this regard, there is a big gap between our country and foreign countries. Now hospitals are training ICU nurses according to their own conditions.

The training content should include:

1, observation and care of shock patients.

2. Invasive pressure monitoring.

3, Hemodynamic monitoring.

4, Application and management of artificial airway.

5, Application of mechanical ventilation.

6, ECG monitoring.

7, Training in cardiopulmonary brain resuscitation and emergency measures.

8, Blood purification treatment and care.

9, DIC patient observation and care.

10, Nutritional support for critically ill patients.

11, the use of various instruments. Including cardiac monitor, ventilator, anesthesia machine, various pumps, defibrillator, thermoregulator and so on. /cme/html/cme_K3000017/1307/