To do colon and compound cavity with 64 row or with 256 row ct

64-row spiral CT means that there are 64 rows of detectors, 256 layers is a scan can be done once 256 layers of scanning.

The 64-row ct is usually sufficient for colon and abdominal examinations. Of course, the conditions allow 256 rows of ct is also not bad. They also have price differences.

Interested to see:

64-row spiral CT using a new generation of high-power high-milliamp output bulb, the detector rows up to 64 rows, helical scanning speed faster (≤ 0.35 seconds / turn), the temporal resolution is significantly improved (<50 milliseconds), cardiac sub-millimeter thickness of CT scanning time is only about 5 to 9 seconds, can obtain excellent coronary artery CT images.

The 256-layer high-speed CT is also known as 256-layer high-speed CT because of its lower X-ray dose, faster rotation speed, and higher degree of intelligence, and its maximum time resolution of 34 milliseconds, general cardiac examination can be done in only 2 heartbeats, because the X-ray dose is 60% ~ 80% lower than previous CT equipment, known as green imaging equipment, and because it can be completed under cardiac gating. The CTA examination of the torso and other large-scale, solid can be widely used for health checkups, compound injuries, chest pain triad ...... whole body wide range of rapid, low X-ray dose examination and diagnosis.