Boiler safety devices include safety valves, pressure gauges, water level gauges, water level alarms, fusible plugs and so on.
Pressure vessel safety accessories, according to the use of performance or purpose, can include the following four: pressure relief device: pressure vessel overpressure can automatically discharge pressure device. Such as: safety valves, rupture discs and fusible plugs. Measuring device: can automatically display the container operation and safety-related process parameters of the apparatus. Such as: pressure gauge, thermometer, liquid level meter.
Alarm device: container in the operation of unsafe factors that cause the container in a dangerous state can be automatically issued when the sound or other obvious alarm signal instrument. Such as: pressure alarm, temperature detector. Chain device: in order to prevent operational errors and control mechanisms. Such as: chain switch, linkage valve.
Pressure pipeline safety accessories: pipe, fittings, flanges, bolted connections, gaskets, valves, other components or pressurized parts.
Expanded Information
In the pressure vessel safety accessories, the most commonly used and the most critical is the safety relief devices, pressure gauges and so on.
1, safety valves: safety valves can be divided into spring-loaded safety valves, lever-loaded safety valves, pulse-loaded safety valves. In general, the safety valve as far as possible to be installed in the container body, liquefied gas to be installed in the gas phase parts, while taking into account the safety of the discharge.
2, rupture disc: also known as explosion-proof membrane, is a fracture-type safety devices, with good sealing performance, fast response to pressure relief and so on. Generally used in high-pressure, non-toxic gas cylinders, such as air, nitrogen. The rupture disc pressure on the cylinder is generally taken to be greater than the cylinder filling pressure and less than the cylinder design maximum temperature rise pressure.
3, fusible plug: generally used for gas pressure is not great, completely by the temperature of the container to determine the level. Such as low-pressure liquefied petroleum gas chlorine cylinders on the fusible plug melting temperature of 65 ℃.
4, pressure gauge: pressure vessels used to measure the medium pressure instrument. Types can be divided into: spring-loaded pressure gauge, suitable for general media pressure vessel. Diaphragm type pressure gauge, suitable for corrosive media pressure vessel.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Pressure Piping
Baidu Encyclopedia - Safety Accessories
Baidu Encyclopedia - Boilers