First-generation electrochemical instruments
Electrochemical instruments that use an electrostatic meter tube as the input stage and a pointer-type meter to display the measured value.
The second generation of electrochemical meters
Electrochemical meters that use operational amplifiers and A/D converter integrated circuits, and are calibrated with potentiometer adjustments. Typical product: PHS-3C
Third Generation of Electrochemical Meter
Based on the second generation of electrochemical meters, some standard data are stored in the chip, and software technology is used for automatic calibration, which has some intelligent functions.
The fourth generation of electrochemical instrumentation
To multi-parameter (pH, mV, ion concentration, conductivity and dissolved oxygen) as the design object, using the same design rules, hardware materials and mode of operation, the use of different software programs, the configuration of different sensors and accessories, to form a single-parameter, dual-parameter or multi-parameter series electrochemical instrumentation, such as Enelis MP6500.