Generally those who have heart disease use pacemakers within their bodies so that their heart rate can maintain normal function. Apple has issued a notice via its official Weibo account warning those who own an iPhone 12 phone to stay away from medical devices such as pacemakers. Because during testing, they found that because of the proximity to medical devices such as pacemakers, the iPhone 12 causes such devices to go into a suspended state. For those who suffer from heart disease, this can lead to life-threatening situations if a device such as a pacemaker goes into pause.
For those who use pacemakers in their bodies, it's usually a good idea to be careful to stay close to magnetic substances, such as generators, iron absorbers, and other electrically-generated magnetic devices. It must be said that Apple officials have also done their part to remind consumers of this, and it can be said that they are also responsible for their consumers in this way. Here's the official notice from Apple, implantable pacemakers and defibrillators may use sensors in these medical devices, and when in close contact with them, the sensors will respond to radio devices as well as magnets. In order to avoid a pause in these types of medical devices, which could threaten a patient's life, please keep your iPhone 12 at a safe distance from these medical devices, which means it needs to be spaced more than 6 feet apart. That is, you need to keep the spacing more than 6 inches, or 15 centimeters. Or keep a distance of more than 12 inches, or 30 centimeters, when charging wirelessly.
From Apple's official statement, we can see that this does not mean that all pacemakers will be in a suspended state when they are near the iPhone 12,but if the manufacturer of such medical devices informs them that the device may be interfered with, they need to avoid being near substances with magnetic properties, so as to avoid posing a threat to their own lives and health. These devices can be interfered with by the manufacturer of the device.
And for those who use pacemakers, there are some precautions that need to be taken in their day-to-day lives. First, one needs to know exactly when the pacemaker is to be used and how often the pacemaker is to be set; second, the patient must carry a copy of the pacemaker he or she is using with him or her. In case of an emergency, a copy of the pacemaker should be kept handy to provide information. Furthermore, the skin at the pacemaker site should be kept clean and tidy, the skin at the pacemaker site should not be rubbed hard during bathing, and loose clothing should be ensured so that it does not impact the wound, as well as avoiding lifting and pulling heavy objects in life. Lastly, patients with pacemakers need to have regular checkups to see if there are any abnormalities in the pacemaker's power supply or in the pacemaker.