Set up internal, external, gynecological, pediatric, infectious, acupuncture, orthopedic injuries, massage, anus and intestines, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, skin, oral cavity, oncology, emergency, anesthesia and other first-level clinical departments and liver and gallbladder, spleen and gastric, cardiovascular, nephrology, neurology, general surgery, thoracic surgery, cerebral, urological surgery, children's encephalopathy rehabilitation center of the second-level beds, as well as coughing and wheezing, stroke, intervertebral disc herniation, vasculitis, breast disease, Male disease, infertility and other 41 specialty outpatient clinics; there are 8 provincial and municipal key clinical specialties, including 2 provincial key specialties; there are 2 key medical disciplines of the city's "135" project, with 1000 mA digital X-ray machine, CR, high-speed spiral CT, cobalt-60 radiotherapy machine, internal irradiation after loading machine, analog positioning machine, and other specialties. There are 2 key medical disciplines of the city's "135" project, including 1000 mA digital X-ray machine, CR, high-speed spiral CT, cobalt-60 radiotherapy machine, internal irradiation after loading machine, analog positioning machine, color ultrasound, automatic biochemical analyzer, artificial kidney, dynamic electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram and other large medical equipment.