How to write a deposit receipt?

I. Format of deposit receipt:

Deposit receipt

Today I received ___ house rental deposit capitalized:___ (lowercase ___) yuan. In duplicate, with equal legal effect.

This deposit is to be returned to the renter upon expiration of the contract.

The payee:

ID No.

The payer:

ID No.


2. The format of the deposit receipt consists of three parts, one is the title, the second is the content, and the third is the drop.

(a) title title written in the middle of the body above, slightly larger font. That is, write "receipt" or "receipt" words. Can also use "received", "now received", "received" as the title.

(ii) the body of the body is generally in the second line of the two empty spaces to start writing, but to "received" as the title of the receipt is not a space. The body should generally write the following content, that is, write the number of money received, the type of goods, specifications and so on, pay attention to the amount of money to capitalize.

(3) drop paragraph drop paragraph generally require to write on the receipt of money and goods of individuals or units of the name of the name, signed on the receipt of the specific date, and generally also stamped with an official seal. Is a person handled by the general in the name before signing the "handler:" the words. Is on behalf of others to receive, the name should be added in front of the word "on behalf of the recipient:".

(d) refund / things at the same time to return the receipt. This is a point that requires special attention. When exchanging money or goods, remember to take back the receipt.

Expanded Information


Internal receipts are homemade vouchers within the unit, used for business that occurs within the unit, such as internal transfers of materials, the collection of deposits from employees, the refund of excess business trip loans and so on. The internal receipt is a legal document and can be recorded as a cost.

Business transactions between units, the payee does not need to pay taxes after the receipt, the payee can issue receipts supervised by the tax department.

Administrative charges incurred by administrative units can be issued with receipts supervised by the financial department.

Business transactions between the unit and the army, according to the regulations do not need to pay taxes, you can use the receipt supervised by the army, such receipts are also legal documents, can be recorded in the accounts.

In addition to the above types of receipts, units or individuals in the receipt of payment of other homemade receipts, is what is often referred to as "white", can not be used as a voucher for the accounts.

Baidu Encyclopedia: Receipts