Immortal Island Energy Chemical Zone belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that Xianrendao Energy Chemical Zone is located in Gaizhou City, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province (Yingkou City, Gaizhou City, Weiqi Road), covers an area of about 167 acres, as of now there are 22 enterprises in the park ***, including CCCC Yingkou Liquefied Natural Gas Company Limited, Liaoning Xianghui Chemical Technology Company Limited, and Yingkou Xianrendao City Development and Construction Investment Company Limited, and so on.

18.2% of the enterprises in the energy and chemical zone of Xianrendao are in the wholesale industry and 9.1% are in the petroleum, coal and other fuel processing industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of more than 10 million yuan include CCCC Yingkou LNG Co. Ltd, Liaoning Xianghui Chemical Technology Co. Ltd, Liaoning Tourism Investment Group Industry Co.

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