Set a hundred of the great Chinese backstory here~! >> Picasso's Art and the Women He Loved Picasso's women and his art are a compelling issue. Picasso put almost all the women he loved on canvas one by one, and some of his portraits are actually vivid records of Picasso's dealings with women: Fernande and The Maidens of Avignon. in 1905 Picasso met Fernande. in 1907, the founding work of Cubism was born, The Maidens of Avignon. It was Fernande's portraits that marked the first success of Cubism in portraiture. >> 1907 Picasso to a brothel *** as the theme, painted this shocking "the girls of Avignon" is the first work of cubism style, the use of black and coffee color decomposition and reorganization of the group of young girls, from the painting on both sides of the face of the young girls can be clearly seen by the influence of black African sculpture. >> "In the past, a painting was the result of the addition of many things, but in my work, the painting is the sum of a series of destructions." The work "The Avignon Girls" creates an unprecedented shock, which is one of the paintings that have never emphasized on the beauty of women, but rather on the truth of the human body. It shares similarities with Mother and Child, as the faces of the figures resemble African masks or the heads of primitive Spanish carvings. After a visit to the Oceania and Africa Museum in Paris, Picasso was struck by the fact that there was an art that did not confine itself to depicting reality and reproducing it! It was a spontaneous, primitive art. After that, Picasso kept forcing himself to feel the "spontaneity" of things.
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Picasso's women and his art is a compelling question. Picasso put almost every woman he loved on canvas, and some of his portraits are actually vivid records of Picasso's encounters with women: Fernande and Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, where Picasso met Fernande in 1905, and Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, the seminal work of Cubism, which was painted in 1907.
Picasso's art is a compelling story of women and his art.
Story(trlate it yourself La) Les Demoiselles d'Avign on is a celebrated painting by Pablo Picasso that depicts five prostitutes in a brothel
in the Avignon Street of Barcelona. Picasso painted it in France
and pleted it in the summer of 1907. E6%90%9C%E5%B0%8B&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
Reference: *** and google