1, 备 character's pinyin is bèi ; 2, 备 character's explanation: (1) (动) to have; have: 德才兼~. (2) (verb) to prepare: ~war|~material|~without using. (3) (verb) to prepare for: ~desolate (to prepare for a disaster). (4) (Name) equipment (including manpower and material resources): Army ~|Fit ~. (5) (vice) to express completely: care ~ to | ~ popular.
Selected part of the word preparation group of words in sentences and the pinyin and detailed explanations of the words:
1. Preparation sentence: ten years ago, sequencing a human genome would take years, hundreds of people, hundreds of machines, and endless sample-preparation time to make the DNA fragments used for decoding, and at a time Only one DNA fragment can be decoded at a time.
Explanation: In the chemical industry, it means to obtain after manufacturing.
2, complete sets of equipment sentence: In 1994 in the context of China's financial system reform, the birth of three policy banks, one of which, the Export-Import Bank of China, has assumed the responsibility for expanding China's mechanical and electrical products and complete sets of equipment exports to provide policy financial services.
Explanation: The production of the required to work together to become a complete set of machinery.
3, docketed for inspection: Article 28 1. The Association shall convene a general meeting of members fifteen days before, or seven days before the convening of the Council will be the type of meeting, time, place, together with the agenda of the letter to the General Assembly docketed for inspection.
Explanation: for checking (mostly used in official documents).
4. Prepare for sentence: He lost his job and will have to prepare for a hard life until he finds a new job.
Explanation: (1) pre-arrangement or planning: mental ~ | ~ speech outline ~ ~ an empty box to put books. (2) intend: Spring Festival I ~ go home | Yesterday I was supposed to ~ go to see you, because something temporary did not come to pass.
5, technical equipment sentence: The research department uses microcomputers, waveform storage and other technical equipment composed of rock drilling machinery impact energy, impact frequency, stroke, pressure and other operating parameters of the microcomputer test system.
Explanation: all kinds of machinery, instruments, meters, tools and other equipment used in production.
6, standby sentence: Increased inventory and standby supply reduces risk by increasing redundancy in the supply system. Experts say this is one way to increase resilience, but there are other ways.
Explanation: ready for use at any time: ~ supplies.
7. Preparedness sentence: Streamline your toiletries: buy small packages and use the prepared items in the bathroom, such as shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, hair dryers, etc. The hostel provides items that will help you lighten up your toiletries.
Explanation: Stock up on machines and tools to be used.
8, stocking up on material sentence: Due to the soaring prices of raw materials, American Technology Research (AmericanTechnologyResearch) analyst Shaw. Wood believes that Apple should provide financing for its suppliers so that these suppliers can prepare materials in advance before the price rises to a higher level.
Explanation: To prepare to supply materials needed for production: ~ workshop.
9. Prepare for the lesson sentence: Teachers spend a great deal of effort and time preparing lessons, correcting assignments, and encouraging students to challenge themselves for the future. Don't ignore your teacher's hard work. Saying "thank you, teacher," creates a way of thanking them.
Explanation: A teacher prepares the content of a lesson before delivering it.
10. Blame: I'm beginning to feel that maybe it's me, and people like me, who are to blame, because it's us, the people of Ireland, who are paying for our jobs, our lives, our health care and our education.
Explanation: to criticize to blame.
11, the whole preparation of the sentence: another regiment is also in preparation, and last year a batch of Sukhoi fighters were deployed to the neighboring province of Assam, and compared to their poor predecessors, this batch is now a well-equipped border force.
Explanation: to equip (an armed force).
12, prepare for sentence: Above all, tepid growth always prepares the ground for a second round of decline, a return to recession? The "W" recession may come in 2010 or 2011, which the market seems to have forgotten.
Explanation: preparation: ~ homework.
13, device sentence: You can connect all the devices at the same time or start all the simulators at once (or all together), connect to each one in turn according to the program, and then run one or more tests.
Explanation: (1) to set up for an application: the new workers' club ~ is doing very well. (2) A set of buildings or wares necessary for carrying out a certain work or supplying a certain need: plant ~ | machine ~ | tap water ~.
14, complete sentence: But when you use it to write a new service in an ESB environment where you have no control over which partner you are exchanging documents with, BPEL (even without extensions) is complete.
Explanation: All that should be there is there: tool ~ | Please comment if there is something that is not ~.
15. Reserve army sentence: Health is key, and age makes it more difficult for the team. But if management operates wisely and assembles a strong reserve army around the Big 4, the Celtics are still competitive, especially in the short season.
Explanation:(1) A general term for reservists. (2) Refers to the supplementary force of certain professional teams: industry ~.
16, flush sentence: However, InformixInnovator-CEdition is a full-featured Informix data server that provides a robust and reliable database environment, as well as most of the most widely used data processing features required.
Explanation: complete (mostly referring to items): goods ~ | line ~, set out immediately.
17, note sentence: With this as a starting point, a wide-ranging ecosystem of contacts, groups, **** enjoyment, albums, tags, comments, subscriptions, favorites, photo notes, and other more functionality is constantly being developed and improved.
Explanation: (1) A column on a form set aside for attaching necessary note instructions. (2) Refers to the note instructions added in this column.
18, equipped with the sentence: If China tries to equip everyone with an automobile, there will be no end to the demand for copper, coal, steel, gold, natural gas, and uranium, which is what we have.
Explanation: (1) to allocate (manpower or material resources) according to need: ~ backbone force | ~ tractor. (2) Arrange (troops): ~ firepower according to the terrain. (3) sets of artifacts, etc.: modernized ~.
19, material reserves sentence: According to traders on Tuesday
China's State Material Reserve Bureau has sold a small amount of imported copper cathode over the past month
and the sale is expected to reach 50,000 tons
a temporary change to its months of continuous buying. [ID:nCN0629945]
Explanation: a general term for the stockpiling of raw materials, fuels, equipment and food as a backup in the state, enterprises and collective economic organizations.
20, storage sentence: Although the World Health Organization is stockpiling antiviral drugs, there is no official record of any mention of vaccine stockpiles? This may be partly because to do so would require answering the unanswered question of "what vaccines to stockpile".
Explanation: stockpile.
21, preparation for the test sentence: New Oriental, a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange and China's largest private education organization, has 324 language schools. New Oriental has 324 language centers and language schools and is known for training students to prepare for exams.
Explanation: (booklet, document, form) an appendix or note for reference.
22, police preparedness sentence: pushing a newly walking child in a kiddie stroller in a crowded theme park is what keeps it safe, and for kids playing by the water, Coast Guard-approved flotation devices are strictly life-savers.
Explanation: (military) alert and defense: ~ tight.
23, sanitation equipment sentence: first of all, it is necessary to invest in the construction of decent housing with basic sanitation equipment, otherwise investment in basic services such as water and education will continue to be constrained, if not wasted.
Explanation: It refers to flush toilets and washbasins, bath tubs, etc. that are connected to the sewer.
24. Spare parts: The firm-fixed-price contract calls for the provision of 822 sets of Commander's Independent View (CIV) Block 1 equipment and spare parts to equip the U.S. Army's Bradley A3 combat vehicle.
Explanation: spare parts held in reserve for replacement.
25, Prepare for war sentence: In 1990, the bird caused a brief furor at two bases, Fort Bragg and Fort Stewart, where troops were actively preparing for the Gulf War to drive Iraqi forces out of Kuwait.
Explanation: prepare for war.
26, back up sentence: Initially, colonization ships like the Dreamer would leave three or four crew members awake to deal with any back-up problems, but the monotonous journey cost them most of their lives.
Explanation: prepared for replenishment (of personnel, supplies, etc.): ~ army | ~ force | carefully calculated, leaving ~.
27. Preparedness sentence: We all understand that setting a limit to our tolerance reduces stress and keeps us on our toes. But sometimes, some people are not prepared to get a negative answer from you, and you are completely defenseless in front of these people.
Explanation: to be prepared for an attack or to avoid being victimized: the road is slippery, walk carefully, ~ fall.
28, have the sentence: Some books and papers tell how to use mock objects in unit testing, describing what mock objects should have and how to use them.
Explanation: to have; to be well equipped with: ~ conditions | The youth of new China must ~ the dual skills of building and defending the motherland.
29, equipment sentence: When I witnessed these international first-class experimental supporting facilities and equipment being put into use in the Institute, I dare say that they are as advanced as the best equipment you can see in the world.
Explanation: (1) equipped with (weapons, uniforms, equipment, technical force, etc.). (2) means equipped with weapons, uniforms, equipment, technical forces, etc.
30, both the sentence: In the Qing Dynasty, Chengde was a summer resort for emperors, so it has both ancient and modern elements of China? It is both a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a busy provincial city.
Explanation: two or many things at once: virtue and talent ~.
31, the guards of the sentence: May 10, 1775, Benedict Arnold of Massachusetts joined EthanAllen and the Green Mountain Army of Vermont in an early morning surprise attack on the fort
shocked and captured alive the sleeping British garrison.
Explanation: defensive alert.
32, war readiness coined: Since his bosses were often too drunk to participate in decision-making, Kissinger took it upon himself to respond to Brezhnev's bluff by raising the U.S. military's war readiness status to level 3, the third-highest level of readiness.
Explanation: war readiness.
33, memo sentence: Do we have to do a little memo in the office that day, even if it's late? Or put it off until the next day so we can go home and have dinner with the family?
Explanation: (1) a diplomatic instrument that states the position of one's own side on an issue, or informs the other side of the general nature of certain matters (including names, figures, etc., which must be noted). (2) A notebook for keeping records at all times to aid memory.
34, armament sentence: if the United States and China were to engage in a serious arms race
We might forget about China regarding Medicare, the Social Security system, which is where most of our federal *** spend their money.
Explanation: military establishment and military equipment.
35, guarded sentence: Before plutonium can be used to build a nuclear weapon, it is first separated from the fuel rods at a high-security nuclear facility. The nuclear facility is located near Rawalpindi, about 100 miles northeast of Khushab.
Explanation: alert and defense: ~ tight.
36, gold reserves sentence: When you consider that these countries, and some of the rest of the countries *** are increasing their gold reserves, you will understand that the current and future world demand for gold is really very different from the seventies.
Explanation: refers to the gold held centrally by countries *** to meet international payments.
37, prepared to make a sentence: the old count, the countess of the letter, Petya, Vera, Natasha, Sonya's letter have been sent, as well as the count sent to his son to prepare uniforms and all kinds of supplies of six thousand rubles have also been sent.
Explanation: to buy (equipment, utensils).
38, Standing Army sentence: North Korea has the world's largest standing army, most of which is based near the densely mined border just 50 kilometers (30 miles) north of the South Korean capital.
Explanation: the regular army that the country usually maintains on a regular basis.
39, prepare for sentence: While NASA prepares for the project, rovers and drilling rigs could be sent to the most likely locations and preserve samples that could unravel the truth about life on Mars.
Explanation: to plan and prepare in advance for carrying out work, organizing a business, or setting up an institution: ~ committee.
40, Reserves coined: As a major in the U.S. Army Reserves, he fought in two campaigns in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, where, he says, the wine and food were definitely not this good.
Explanation: ready to be called up for military service according to the needs of the country. Military personnel discharged from active service and citizens who are required by law to perform military service but have not been enlisted in the army are organized into a reserve service in accordance with the regulations.
41, filing sentence: But according to the company's filing with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last month, the company has narrowed its first-half loss "significantly".
Explanation: To the competent authorities to report the matter on file for examination.
42, reserve sentence: What the Federal Reserve has said it will do is
hold an auction of billions of dollars in loans to
member banks
on the condition that they
give collateral to the Federal Reserve Bank.
Explanation: (1) (material) stored up ready for application when necessary: ~ grain. (2) To store something in reserve: ~ grow year after year.
43、备办造句:The dishes he prepared, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, were all tasty and very desirable, but he still couldn't be quite calm until the reception was over.
Explanation: To put together what is needed.
44, prepare the deserted sentence: introduced a new austenitic stainless steel seamless pipe preparation process, that is, the hollow cast billet direct hot extrusion preparation of deserted pipe.
Explanation: to prepare for disasters.
45, strategic reserves sentence: Because China does not publicize the amount of commodities held in its strategic reserves, other market participants will have to guess which supplies it needs.
Explanation: a variety of materials stockpiled for strategic needs.
46, foreign exchange reserves sentence: This policy is significant because it provides new currencies that can be used by poor countries to convert into dollars, euros, yen, and pounds, but the rich countries will get the lion's share of these new foreign exchange reserves.
Explanation: a backup of international means of payment, including gold, foreign currency bills of exchange and checks, foreign marketable securities, and short-term deposits abroad.
47, armed reserve sentence: Despite its lack of offensive power, the North Korean army is sufficiently armed to wreak havoc and casualties on its opponents, as the use of torpedo attacks in March and this week's artillery bombardment have shown.
Explanation: Book refers to the armed forces; national defense construction.
48, preparation for plowing sentence: In addition, the central bank decided that, in order to enhance the strength of funds to support agriculture and support the preparation of plowing in the spring, rural credit unions and other small financial institutions will not be adjusted upward for the time being.
Explanation: To prepare for farming, including repairing farm tools, digging ditches and accumulating fertilizer.
49, virtuous and talented sentence: Hunan Hengyang city to create conditions, and actively implement the two programs, so that a number of virtuous and talented female cadres on all levels and departments of the main leadership positions, so that they for the city's reform and development and social stability to play an irreplaceable role.
Alluding to the fact that the city's economy has been on the rise for a long time now, the city's economy has been on the rise for a long time now. The city has a lot of people who are not in the same boat, and they are not in the same boat.
50. Preparedness: If you can maximize your value, understand and manage the key elements of your environment, and be prepared, then you can survive and succeed in a recession.
Alliteration: "Trouble" is a term used to describe a situation in which you can avoid a disaster by being prepared. If you are prepared, you can avoid trouble.
51, high security sentence: CurtisWarren, 48, a convicted murderer who was once on Interpol's Most Wanted list, is now serving a sentence in a high security prison? 13 years in prison for smuggling marijuana.
Allusion: extremely high security and defense.
52, the whole of the blame for the sentence: to them to ask for the whole of the blame, or to them not part of the hope, in fact, should not be counted as their fault.
Allusion: Seek, blame: demand; full, ready: complete, perfect.
They are the most important of all.
53, everything is ready, all we need sentence: In recent times, your company in the delivery and quality problems, as if the change is everything is ready, all we need.
Allusion: Everything is ready, only the east wind is not blowing, can not set fire.
Allusion: Everything is ready, only the east wind is not blowing, can not set fire.
54, unremittingly sentence: Ideally, the United Nations should establish a short, well-trained and unremitting rapid reaction force, which can be used in the event of unrest in a certain place, and the Security Council decides to intervene.
Allusion: Always ready and unrelenting.
55, attack their unprepared for sentence: intentionally expose our actions to restrain the enemy in a certain place to gather solid defense, and then we detour to the enemy back to launch an attack, attack their unpreparedness, surprise.
Allusion: its: pronoun, referring to the enemy.
This is the first time I've ever seen the word "attack" used in a Chinese dictionary.
56, chat ready a frame of sentence: Americans learning Chinese culture is not as prevalent as the propaganda said, the United States primary and secondary schools to open the Chinese language class, can be said to be chat ready a frame.
Allusion: For the time being, it is considered to have this format.
This is the first time I've seen a Chinese language course in the United States.
57, ready not to use sentence: In a modern society of democracy and the rule of law, violence is often ready not to use, and it only appears in a very few occasions.
Allusion: ready for use in case of emergency, at the moment the temporary storage is not used. 备要、毕备、备恪、备考、备具、备举、准备、屯备、博备、边备、淳备、持备、器备、曲备、齐备、陪备、排备、逆备、内备、明备、旁备、美备、隆备、刘备、光备、简备、稽備、具备、儆备、堤备、富备、赅备、顿备、防备、供备、必备、备言、备选、备详、备细、备席、备悉、备物, 备伍, 备问, 备闻, 备文, 备足, 备注, 备置, 备至, 备职, 备知, 备战, 备责, 备載, 备灾, 备阅, 备員, 备豫, 备御, 外备, 完备, 详细备, 备身, 备设, 备舍, 备善, 备忘, 备完, 备體, 备说, 备水, 备数, 备述, 备守, 备饰, 备使, 备史, 备盛, 备任, 备取, 备品, 备擬, 备名, 备民, 备美,备马,备论,备缕,备录,备列, 备料, 备利, 备禮, 备乐, 备览, 备课, 戎备, 备備, 守備, 適備, 水備,整备, 备備, 战备, 御備, 圆備, 圓備,责备, 修备,嚴备, 畏备, 雨备, 家備, 加備, 火备, 浑備, 後備, 國备, 买備, 匡備, 款備, 备备, arms, 俱备, 警备, 禁備, 谨備,精備, 兼备, Duk-pui, big-pui, mellow-pui, pure-pui, full-pui, slack-pui, precise-pui, thorough-pui, reserve, withdrawal-pui, standing-pui, not-pui, ready-pui, mention-pui, ready-pui, ready-pui, ready-puiwei, right-pui, equipments, the preparation, standing-pui, ready-pui army, ready warehouse, soft equipments, memo, ready supplies, ready team, ready body knife, ready dike sprinkles, ready sprinkle, ready sprinkle sweeps, ready soldiers, ready troops, ready food, ready area, ready military road, reserve money, reserve grain, ready wine syrup, ready not to be able to, 准备铃, 备備役, 武備志, 备百姓, 备安钱, 备安库, 求备一人, 国际储备, 求全责备, 备而不用, 备多力分, 输入设备, 输出设备, 水陆俱备, 風風设备, 推崇备至, 外汇儲備, 文武兼備, 文修武備, 掩其无备, 备立宪, 备備活动, 备尝苦, 备嘗困難, 备尝艰难, 材能兼備,材德兼備, Always be prepared, talent and morality, all kinds of preparation, external equipment, a thousand oxen to prepare for the body, to prepare for a frame, crime preparation, legal reserve rate, deposit reserve, spring and autumn to blame the virtuous, Chinese character input equipment