BSCI factory inspection audit standard is the social responsibility factory inspection standard (referred to as human rights factory inspection);
Common fatal items in BSCI factory inspection are:
child labourer
The wages of workers have not reached the minimum wage.
Workers work overtime for more than 36 hours.
Unreasonably deduct employees' wages.
The fire safety of the factory is unqualified (common: the factory building, dormitory and warehouse are integrated into one, which does not meet two safety exits and is not equipped with enough fire fighting equipment).
The factory did not sign an emergency medical agreement with the hospital, nor did it train emergency personnel.
Special equipment has not been tested annually.
Workers have no occupational disease physical examination.
Hazardous waste has not been properly controlled and transferred.
Bribery of auditors, unethical business practices
The BSCI factory inspection clause consists of 13 PA, which is referred to as "BSCI code of conduct or thirteen basic principles".
BSCI factory inspection and audit covers the whole business license, and the preparation before the audit is very important, especially the details, which need systematic training. Attached is the BSCI audit download for further reference.
The above content is answered by the management consultation of express delivery enterprise, please refer to it.