18650 800 battery, 0 voltage, infinite resistance. The safety valve has been activated. How to reset?

The voltage of 800 batteries in 18650 is zero, and the resistance is infinite, indicating that all batteries have been overcharged and the safety valve caused by heat has acted. These batteries have been damaged and their capacity has been reduced. For maintenance, the safety valve of each battery must be reset before the voltage is restored. The 800 battery is a small project, and these batteries are overheated before they can be used by themselves.

The theory of 18650 battery life is that it can be charged 1000 times. Because of the large capacity per unit density, most of them are used for laptop batteries. In addition, 18650 is widely used in various electronic fields due to its excellent working stability, such as high-grade strong light flashlights, portable power supplies, wireless data transmitters, electric heating clothes, shoes, portable instruments, portable lighting equipment, portable printers, industrial instruments, medical instruments and so on.

18650 means18mm in diameter and 65mm in length. The model of No.5 battery is 14500, the diameter is 14 mm, and the length is 50 mm ... Generally, 18650 battery is widely used in industry and rarely used in civil use, and it is commonly used in notebook batteries and high-grade flashlights.