The importance of data security

Everyone's computer may have some sensitive data, handling a little careless, trouble will ensue. Especially for some companies, such as research and development centers, state agencies and other thousands of computers on the hard disk data is even more so. In the elimination of these old computers, hard disk data security how to ensure it?

Ma Jian, the founder of Miao Yi Technology (Beijing) Limited Company (hereinafter referred to as "Miao Yi Technology"), told reporters: "We usually think that the data on the hard disk is deleted or formatted on the safe, in fact, if you meet the data recovery professionals or malicious people, you can easily recover the data. that can easily recover the data."

Whose Cheese

The so-called data destruction is the process by which a computer or device must have all of its data completely deleted and unrecoverable before it can be discarded, resold, or donated to avoid information leakage. This step is especially important for data with confidentiality levels and privacy. Because, in the condition of formatting or deleting away, in fact, the old data is not really deleted, but just made a special mark in the file system, with the help of professional tools can easily find the directory of the file, and then recover the original data.

River One Technology mainly performs three kinds of data destruction methods: the first is to use software destruction. The advantage is that after the destruction of the hard disk can be reused, the disadvantage is that the time is relatively long, generally more than one hour, if the hard disk capacity, such as more than 300G hard disk, it takes three hours to destroy the finished, and the need to monitor the salesman throughout the tracking of the destruction progress.

The second is to use a degaussing machine. The advantage is that it is fast, 40 seconds to destroy two hard disk capacity in 2T or less, the disadvantage is that after the destruction of data, the hard disk can not be used again, and the naked eye can not see the difference between before and after the destruction.

The third is physical destruction. The hard disk will be placed in a seventy to eighty kilograms of heavy furnace inside, the temperature of the furnace can instantly rise to more than 1000 degrees Celsius. Compared to the first two, its advantage is absolutely safe, the disadvantage is the inconvenience of handling, not conducive to door-to-door service; destruction speed can be achieved in 20 minutes to melt 5-10 hard disk. After melting and destroying, the hard disk becomes a doughy pliable substance.

"The advantage of physical melting is that the owners can see the hard disk completely deformed, psychologically feel solid. Using a degaussing machine, the naked eye can not see the difference between before and after degaussing, currently used more degaussing machine," said Ma Jian, "Electricite de France has a nuclear power plant project in China, they have a high level of data security on the hard disk, we provide door-to-door service, degaussing machine to help the company to destroy hard disk data. "

Data destruction needs first came from the military field, until today, the strongest demand for data destruction is still the troops and other military units. These organizations to eliminate the computer often involves state secrets, generally by the state allocated funds, the State Secrets Bureau is responsible for the destruction. Ma Jian said: "Our customers mainly from foreign enterprises and listed companies, small and micro companies do not pay attention to confidentiality issues."

As early as 2007, Ma Jian began to focus on data destruction. Ma Jian told reporters: "Before I worked in Dell, in the sale of computers found that customers have this demand. At first just to customers to help, and later found that the amount of business in this area is relatively large, need to be fully committed. So I registered the company in 2009 and organized a team to do data destruction business."

Market Drivers

"We did data destruction for 1209 hard disks of China Talent in October 2012, which were stored on more than 300 servers." Ma Jian said.

China Talent's computer hard drives contain a large number of resumes, including job seekers' names, contact information, addresses, work backgrounds, and other private data, and if data destruction is not done, the private and sensitive data is likely to be utilized by others, which will have a bad impact on job seekers. When eliminating computers, data needs to be destroyed to ensure that a large amount of private information does not fall into the hands of others.

Currently, more and more companies are beginning to realize the importance of data security issues, stemming from three main drivers. The first driver is ISO27001 information security management system certification. Ma Jian said, "Some market research companies, software development companies and medical companies must have ISO27001 certification, which is a standard that requires companies to erase their data in some way when they phase out their hard drives."

The UK has done a statistic that 80% of the loss of information data is related to the human factor. Therefore, to prevent the risk of information caused by human factors has become the main control object of information security. From the current certified enterprises, more telecommunications, insurance, banking, data processing centers, IC manufacturing and software outsourcing industries.

"If these companies want to get certified, they need us to issue a data destruction report to prove that the data has been destroyed. If it is recovered by others, we will be liable." Ma Jian said.

The second driver is a company's privacy protection policy. With the increase in intellectual property disputes and civil lawsuits due to data breaches, good IT companies will require data destruction at the end of the hardware's lifecycle to be reasonably accountable to consumers and users.

Ma Jian said, "There are a lot of people selling data now. For example, if you have bought a house or a car and dealt with an agency, you will receive 10 spam messages a day after a week."

A survey showed that in the first half of 2011 alone, Chinese cell phone users received an average of 13 spam messages per week, with spam messages accounting for 27.3% of all information received. In addition to a large number of advertising messages, there are quite a lot of suspected illegal spam messages such as jackpot scams, scams posing as banks, and illegal sale of bills.

"A lot of these messages being dumped by intermediaries are recovered from hard disks. Now more out of the 80G capacity of the hard disk, from the point of view of the residual value of the hard disk, it is only worth 50 yuan, but if from the point of view of the recovery of data, in the market can be sold for 300 yuan." Ma Jian said.

This is an underground industry chain. Usually there is a large amount of contact information and other data in the hard disk, scrap recycling personnel from the hands of customers to buy low-priced computer eliminated by the user, and then pay someone to carry out data recovery, and then from the recovered data to organize the contact information trafficked to the intermediary company, and finally the intermediary company through the text message sender, will be all kinds of spam containing advertising information sent to the consumer.

At the bottom of many companies' websites there is a privacy statement section that describes how the company uses the private data provided by consumers, and how it shares the private data with third-party companies. E-commerce sites, for example, often contain vast amounts of consumer information, including contact information and bank card numbers that are stored on the site's servers. When these servers reach their end-of-life, it's time to test the company's privacy policy," Ma said. Selling the hard disk can get a little bit of residual value return, while destroying the data will reduce the residual value return, the fish and the bear's paw can not be both. The company that strictly enforces its privacy protection policy is the company that deserves respect."

The third driver is that more and more company executives are realizing that data destruction is a practice that builds a company's reputation. "Even if no one tells me or asks me what to do, as long as a user leaves traces of his or her personal privacy, I will consciously delete them, which maintains the company's brand and social reputation," said Ma Jian, adding, "For those executives who care about reputation and branding, he or she will look for a professional company to perform data destruction."

"Reuse" prospects

"Data destruction is our focus in 2012 to push the business, so far probably has destroyed more than 2,000, basically computer hard disk. Hard disk mobile terminals can also be data destruction, to cell phones, for example, because of its storage capacity is not as good as the computer hard disk, therefore, as long as put into the degaussing machine 30 seconds to complete the data destruction." Ma Jian said.

People are used to putting unused items on the shelf, which is actually a waste of resources. If all items can be disposed of in a timely manner, either through reuse or recycling and shredding, then a large number of resources used to produce new products can be saved. If people could dispose of unused items in a timely manner, a large number of inexpensive second-hand items would circulate and regain a longer life cycle, and the greenhouse gases generated by the manufacture of new products would be curbed.

Ma Jian said: "After the data is destroyed, the computer is no longer a security risk. We can buy the computers back, clean, upgrade and repair them, and then resell them to small and medium-sized enterprise customers, and there are many migrant workers and low-income people in the cities of North, South and North, in addition to many college students who choose to buy used computers."

The China Recycling Group accounts for 50 percent of the domestic recycling market, and its turnover in 2011 was RMB 150 billion. In other words, the total value of China's domestic recycling market is RMB 300 billion. Assuming that electronic products account for only 10% of this 300 billion RMB scrap recycling market, i.e. 30 billion RMB, then this is the market volume for IT equipment asset disposal. Assuming that 10% of companies are data security conscious and need to do data destruction, then the market size for data destruction is RMB 3 billion. "In the U.S. and Japan, if a company wants to eliminate 100 computers, looking for suppliers to door-to-door recycling need to pay, an average of one pay $ 20, the supplier will pull the computer to dispose of in an environmentally friendly way. There is no charge for used computer assets abroad, but the data must be destroyed." Ma Jian said.

The value of computers after recycling lies in the reuse of parts, such as power supplies and memory sticks. The reuse concept is also part of the 3R concept, the so-called 3R refers to Reuse (reuse), Reduce (reduce raw materials), Recycle (items recycled). In Ma's opinion, reuse should be prioritized because the carbon emissions from producing a new product are far greater than those from reusing it, and it also consumes energy. If it can't be reused, it should be minimized.

Ma Jian said, "In my opinion, if a computer can be reused, it is best to reuse it, and shredding is just a no-brainer."