The photoelectric liquid level sensor includes a near infrared light emitting diode and a photosensitive receiver. The light emitted by the LED is guided into the lens at the top of the sensor. When the liquid is immersed in the lens of the photoelectric liquid level switch, the light is refracted into the liquid, so that the receiver can not receive or can only receive a small amount of light. The photoelectric liquid level switch senses the change of this working condition, and the receiver can drive the internal electrical switch to start the external alarm or control circuit. If there is no liquid, the light emitted by the LED is directly reflected from the lens back to the receiver.
Features: high accuracy (1mm); High reliability; Long life; Small size. There are separated (non-contact detection) and multi-point (single sensor can detect 4.6 or more liquid level points)
-Shenzhen can point to technology.