What are the positions of the company

Plant manager, director, general manager, treasurer, personnel

One, the plant manager

As the highest leader of the plant, usually to the organization of the company's employees a good example, often with the staff *** with the participation of the discussion of the management of the enterprise, listen to the views of the staff, the establishment of sound rules and regulations. Assist the general manager to do a good job of the company's personnel, reasonable arrangements, equipped with the company's production staff and management personnel of a position of honor.

Second, the director

is the company's shareholders (general) meeting or the staff democratically elected by the actual power and authority to manage the company's affairs, is the main force of the company's internal governance, internal management of the company's affairs, on behalf of the company's external economic activities.

Directors are democratically elected by the shareholders' (general) meeting or employees, and can be either shareholders or non-shareholders. The term of office of the directors is generally given in the internal bylaws of the company, and there are two kinds of fixed-term and indefinite-term.

Three, general manager

General manager (General manager) is traditionally the highest leader of a company or the founder of the company. But in fact, the general manager of the hierarchy, or depending on the size of the company and different. For example, in the average small and medium-sized enterprises, the general manager is usually the highest position in the organization's managers and responsible. In larger organizations (e.g., multinationals), the role of the general manager is usually that of the highest person in charge of one of the business units or branches.

Four, the treasurer

The treasurer generally refers to a unit responsible for the financial work of the director. Generally for the middle management positions, such as the head of the financial organization or the chief accountant, chief financial officer and so on. With the accounting supervisor is symmetrical, in China's small and medium-sized financial and accounting is no longer subdivided, as customary in the times called. Not set up an accounting organization generally refers to the host accountant, the unit has a financial leadership and has the qualification of financial accounting practitioners are sometimes in charge of financial leadership.

Fifth, personnel

Personnel management refers to the people engaged in social labor and the interrelationship between the relevant things as the object, through the organization, coordination, control, supervision, etc., seeking people and things and **** things between the people of the mutual adaptation to achieve the full realization of the potential of people to do things better this goal of the management activities carried out.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Plant Manager

Baidu Encyclopedia - Director

Baidu Encyclopedia - General Manager

Baidu Encyclopedia - Treasurer

Baidu Encyclopedia - Personnel