What are the safety and security and resupply settings included in a proper marathon?

Formal marathons should include the following safety and security and resupply settings:

- Depending on the time of year and weather conditions, drinking water and absorbent sponges should be provided at drinking stations, and drinking water, sports drinks, and energy supplies should be provided at beverage stations;

- Along the course, a drinking water station should be ensured approximately every 5 kilometers, with an adequate supply of water.

- For events over 10 km, drinking water stations should be spaced out from beverage stations, and beverage stations should provide at least sports drinks in addition to drinking water; for events over 25 km, a minimum of 1 station should be provided. For events over 10 kilometers, water stations and beverage stations should be spaced out, and beverage stations should provide at least one sports drink in addition to drinking water; for events over 25 kilometers, beverage stations can also provide energy supplies;

-According to the actual situation of the race, there will be enough medical ambulances, mobile medical equipment (including AEDs), medical stations, and paramedics, and enough medical volunteers will be arranged along the course. Medical volunteers will be arranged along the course to provide timely assistance.

-The back of the number bib will be filled out with information about each runner's emergency, including blood type, drug allergy history, emergency contact and contact information.