Advantages of Bluetooth technology:
Low power for battery-powered devices
Cheap and can be applied to low-cost devices
Manages both data and sound transmission
Low latency
Disadvantages of Bluetooth technology:
Limited transmission range
Data transfer rate of 24 Mb /s
Incompatible protocols between different devices
Local data logging is required to ensure uninterrupted availability of data
Expanded KnowledgeBluetooth (?Bluetooth?): is a wireless technology standard that enables the exchange of data over short distances between stationary and mobile devices, as well as personal area networks in buildings (using the 2.4- to 2.485GHz IEEE 802.11GHz IEEE 802.11GHz IEEE 802.11GHz IEEE 802.11GHz IEEE 802.11GHz). 2.485 GHz UHF radio waves in the ISM band). Bluetooth technology was originally created by telecom giant Ericsson in 1994 as an alternative to the RS232 data line. Bluetooth allows multiple devices to be connected, overcoming the challenges of data synchronization.