With Israel: as the standard little brother of the United States, and thousands of miles away from us China, China has no conflict of interest with it. But China's abhorrence of the brutalization of the Jews has earned it recognition by the Jews. As for Israel's strong support for China's modern military industry, as many say, I'm skeptical; it's unlikely that US-equipped Israel would disregard the covenants it abides by that prohibit sales to China. But China has been trying to learn advanced technology from Israel, such as irrigation and seawater treatment and other advanced technology, imported machinery, electronics, audio-visual equipment and accessories optics, imaging, detection, measurement, medical equipment, pearls, precious stones, imitation gemstones, etc., and did not suffer much.
With North Korea: North Korea is no longer the World War II era with China called good Anda's North Korea, calm relations under the treacherous clouds. Personally, I feel that China's diplomacy is the most failed place is involved in the Korean War, for no reason, offended the South Koreans, originally South Korea is our China to pull together a joint counterbalance to Japan's allies, because of that war, the South Koreans don't trust the Chinese people, Northeast Asia on the surface into a triad of China, Japan and South Korea, in fact, China is alone with the U.S., Japan, and South Korea to counterbalance the situation. The biggest failure is not only these, from the war to get the biggest benefit of North Korea began to become cunning, tied to China, swimming in the United States and China to find a balance of interests between China's passive in the Korean Peninsula and the whole of Northeast Asia plays an embarrassing role. North Korea is like a piece of chicken ribs, tasteless to eat and discarded, but also by the chicken ribs kidnapped and dragged.
The above is my humble opinion.