Natural Resources of Mengla County

In 2010, the total population of Mengla County was 281,730.

In 2010, there were 78,333 family households in Mengla County***, with a family household population of 274,962, averaging 3.51 people per family household.

In 2010, the total population of Mengla County was 146,921 males, accounting for 52.15% of the total population, and 134,809 females, accounting for 47.85% of the total population. The sex ratio of the total population (male to female ratio with female as 100) was 108.98.

In 2010, among the total population of Mengla County, 58,392 people were aged 0-14 years old, accounting for 20.73% of the total population; 20,935 people were aged 15-59 years old, accounting for 71.32% of the total population; and 22,403 people were aged 60 years old and above, accounting for 7.95% of the total population. 7.95% of the total population, of which 14,869 were aged 65 and above, accounting for 5.28% of the total population.

In 2010, among the total population of Mengla County, there were 11,371 people with a university (college or above) education; 20,626 people with a high school (including middle school) education; 69,939 people with a middle school education; and 116,047 people with an elementary school education.

In 2010, among the total population of Mengla County, the number of illiterate people (those aged 15 and above who cannot read or write) was 36,171. In 2011, Mengla County spent 144 million yuan on healthcare, an increase of 124.6 percent. The average cost of outpatient (emergency) consultation and hospitalization in primary healthcare institutions decreased by 81%, the number of monthly outpatient (emergency) consultations increased by 108%, and the actual selling price of medicines decreased by 24.6% compared with that before the reform. 2011, Mengla County completed the construction of 6 village-level health offices and the transfer of healthcare resources from 4 farms' management committees.