What is the depreciation life of waste gas treatment equipment

Summary: Now there are many companies have installed waste gas treatment equipment, or sewage treatment equipment, because if so-and-so environmental protection equipment processing, direct emission of waste gas, will be fined or the risk of closure, then in the use of the time, you really understand the waste gas treatment equipment clearly? For example, many people are curious about the depreciable life of the exhaust gas treatment equipment is how many years and how to maintain the exhaust gas treatment equipment? If you are still not too clear, then hurry to the text to see it! First, what is the depreciable life of the exhaust gas treatment equipment

Equipment, then depreciated over 10 years, the minimum number of years to calculate the depreciation of fixed assets are as follows:

1, houses, buildings, for 20 years.

2, airplanes, trains, ships, machines, machinery and other production equipment, for 10 years.

3. Appliances, tools and furniture related to production and business activities, for 5 years.

4. Means of transportation other than airplanes, trains and ships, for 4 years.

5. Electronic equipment, for 3 years.

Two, exhaust gas treatment equipment how to maintain

Many customers buy environmental protection equipment, do not know how to keep in the use of the process, if the purchase of equipment maintenance, this situation will lead to shorten the environmental protection of the equipment's life, the more serious is not to carry out maintenance and maintenance, and sometimes there are dangers or accidents, then how to maintain the exhaust gas treatment equipment?

1, emphasizing the mutual cooperation of the various types of work

Production is often due to errors in the auxiliary work of the exhaust gas treatment equipment and affect the normal operation of production, such as the analysis of the error will cause a change in the amount of dosage and the composition of the material; instrumentation of the indication of the error will deceive the operator, so that the actual operating conditions are greatly deviated from the requirements of the process regulations. Electrical failure and equipment failure will also cause production irregularities.

2, strict compliance with the waste gas treatment process technical regulations

These regulations are the organization of production and operation of the basic laws and regulations, is summed up from the production and scientific research practice of the regularity of things. Strictly abide by these regulations is the most important principle in daily operation.

3, carefully implement the rules and regulations

In addition to strict compliance with the above regulations, there should also be a set of operation and management system suitable for their actual situation, such as job responsibility system, shift handover system, testing system, equipment maintenance, overhaul system, health inspection system, quality inspection system and economic accounting system.